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Memories, sounds, all of it just fuzzy.

Its like a haze lingers but its clearing. I try to take in my surroundings. Im in the hospital, I know that much...and Hawks is here passed out in the chair. I remember hearing him. A lot.

I have these spots of memory. I woke up and he was sobbing. I can remember hearing him humming lightly. He would read books aloud and every once in a while get tongue tied and click seeming annoyed.

I don't remember much on why I'm here. I remember...I was angry. So fucking angry at Hawks. He...he cheated on me? Yeah. Now I remember.

I try to reach out to him to brush some hair out of his face but grimace at the bindings on my wrists.

The minute the binding pulled I heard a soft bell and Hawks woke up instantly looking at me.

"Hey, its ok" he soothed, "You're in the hospital from a coma"

"A long have I been out?"

"A month" he spoke so softly. As if his voice raised a fraction then I'd break

"Why are my wrists bound?"

"I know you hate the monitors but you have to keep them on"

"Ok, can you untie me though? I won't pull at them"

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" he chuckled


His expression softened as he cupped my face, "Are you...are you back?"

I nod lightly, "Yeah... Hawks, what the hell happened?"

"The villain got you...she used a spear of leaves to impale you. It caused a lot of injury. You fell and hit your head, after surgery they weren't sure you'd survive" he untied the bindings, "You were in an injury induced coma, it wasn't till recently you started responding but you started trying to pull cords so we had to restrain you"

"No, us. What happened with us?" I elaborate

"It was the villain. She set us up so you saw her on top of me" he quickly defended holding my hands in his, "Please believe me, I was trying to explain but...everything happened and-"

"I...I believe you against my better judgment"

"(Y/N) I lov-"

"Guess who got a sweet deal on a chicken nuggies box" Koji sang coming in

"Dude, can you not" Hawks hissed

"Im the one bringing you food, least you can do is be greatful. I've spent a month using my breaks for this. I expect a raise after this"

"Shes conscious, we were having a moment" Hawks deadpanned

"Well excuuuuse me, ill just leave your nuggets by the sink then" Koji dropped them off and headed out

"You've been here this whole month?" I raise a brow

"Yeah? What else was i supposed to do?"

"I don't know How about run your agency?"

"I couldn't.  I couldn't concentrate" he rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact.

"You look like a whole ass mess" I shake my head


"You have been eating properly right? Getting plenty of sleep?"


"I take that as a no?"

"Heh...No...but...I love you"

"Then take care of yourself, i...I love you too and want you to stay healthy" I resist the urge to smack him.

"I kept fed" he sounded guilty. His wings looked like a mess, his eyes puffy from what looks like crying, that's not to mention the bit of extra stubble.

"Im guessing only cause of Koji?"

"It counts"

"I guess" I smile lightly holding his hand, "can you help me stand?"

"About that" Hawks shook his head, "As I said, its been a month. You are going to experience some muscle degeneration. Walking...will be a learning process"

2 weeks passed and I fuss with Hawks, "I told you I don't need a wheelchair"

"You may be doing better but until your balance is good I don't want to risk it. When we get home ill help you out of it"

"You fuss too much" I scoff

"Please? For me? It makes me feel better not worrying you'll fall" he crouched down infront of the chair

"I can walk on my own-"

"But until you have the strength and balance I don't want you to. Plus you don't have the stamina to walk all the way to the car"

I sigh giving in and relaxing back in the chair. He hummed as he wheeled me about and I finished off my paperwork to be released.

"What should we have for dinner tonight?"

"Hmm...tacos?" I hum

"I can make that"

"I said tacos, not cronch burritos" I snicker

"Fine" he chuckled, "We'll order in"


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