Come Over

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"Oh fucking hell!" I tip backwards seeing Hawks suddenly drop out of the air.

I jolt suddenly stopping as Hawks caught my arms keeping upright starting to laugh his ass off, "You should have seen the look on your face! I-"

"You scared the shit out of me! Hawks what are you even doing here?!" I playfully swat at him

"I was flying over head and saw you walking so I figured I'd drop in. Aaaand maybe get a kiss?" He pulled me in closer letting his nose ghost next to mine.

"Greedy bird" I tease

"What can I say? I don't get enough of them"

A flash caught both of our attention seeing a sizable amount of people gathering. Hawks scowled but it was quickly replaced with a friendly smile to the fans.

"I get done with my last patrol at 8. My place?" He mumbled barely audible

I nod and he took to the skys flying off with a salute.

I sigh sitting by the door ready to knock. I just need to get the nerve. I Finally calm down and get ready only for arms to suddenly ingulf me from behind, "Heyo!"

"HAWKS!" I nearly jump out of my skin making him chuckle reaching around me to unlock his door.

"Imma go shower real quick and ill meet you on the couch, sound good?" He opened the door heading in

"You Sure I can't join" I flop on the oh so familiar couch

His face flushed but he seemed to ignore the comment heading to the bathroom.

I heard the shower start and look for something to do. I really don't feel like TV. I fiddle with my hands until they meet his feather. I don't really mess with it often. I've examined it but only paid it any mind when it started dragging me around or moving.

I unclip it and wrap the chain around my hand before holding the clasp and gently caressing it. I ran a finger down the spine of the feathers curiously.

Hawks POV

So damn tired. I was fine all day until I got called to fly across town at top speed.

I relax against the shower wall. (Y/N) is out there at least. I could get some cuddles. Would it be wrong if I asked her to just hold me?

I can't do that...I've been fucking horny all day for no reason. Ok, not no reason. Ever since I saw that water photo shoot.

(Y/N) had a photoshoot a while back that I didn't take much interest in. I wish I had now though. They doused her in water with a white shirt. Her black bathingsuit shone through as the fabric clung to her body. She had even used her quirk to freeze some of the water making small ice crystals form in her hair and lashes. Patches on her arms and face. She looked ethereal.

I fucking can't with it. The shirt clung to every curve and I just wanted to...fuck I don't even know.

I start shampooing my hair when a foreign feeling gives me tingles all the way up my spine. It suddenly hits a point and the feeling goes straight to my dick. I flinch nearly doubling over before hitting the wall.

The feeling left as soon as it came leaving me naked and confused. I quickly wash out the shampoo only for the feeling to suddenly return again this time in light gentle tingles that traveled up. I wince getting residual shampoo on my eye quickly wiping it.

Find the source, find the source, find the- shit...its definitely a feather. Its close by and-

She is playing with my fucking feather. I rest against the wall as the feeling stops again. I'm already panting like a fucking wreck.

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