I have him again

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Cas's POV

*2 days later*

I went into the shop. I needed some food for the next few days. And in a way, I wanted to see The boy. I went to the food first. I got what I needed and went to the pay. The boy was there. 

"Hi" I said. "H-hi" he said. He is really cute. I really feel like I have seen him before. Maybe I have seen him those 2 years I don't remember. 

"Have we met before?" I asked. "I..y-yes" he said. Now I feel bad. 

"I lost 2 years of my memory, so.." I said. "Who were you to me?" I asked. "I..b-boyfriend" he said. I had a boyfriend?omg "I am so sorry I-"I said. "I-it's okay" he said. 

"How long were we together?" I asked. "..1 year" he said. I don't know why Gabriel doesn't know..

"Did we break up?" I asked. "N-no" he said. This is horrible.. 

"what's your name?" I asked. "D-Dean" Dean said. I felt like I heard it before. He got my bag ready. I don't know what to say. "Thank you" I said and started to get out. I started to walk. I couldn't get it out of my head. I want to go out with him. Maybe I should turn around.. I am gonna do that. I turned around. I went into the shop. He had his back to me. 

"D-do you want to go on a d-date?" I asked. I was really nervous.. he turned around. He looked at me for some seconds before answering.

"S-sure" Dean said. Maybe he doesn't want to. "Y-you don't need to" I said. "N-no I want to" Dean said. It made me feel good. 

"C-can I get your number?" I asked. "Yeah of course" Dean said and gave me his number. I gave him mine. I went out after. We texted each other later. We planned the date for. I am looking forward to it.


I got ready for the date. Dean picked me up. He had a beautiful black impala. Dean talked to the car. He was so cute. It made me laugh. Dean has planned the date so I don't know where we are going. We drove for 15 minutes. To he stopped near a lake. It was beautiful. I.. Dean opened the door. 

"Do you like it?" Dean asked. "I..I feel like I have seen it before" I said and looked at Dean. "Yeah, you have been here before. More than once" Dean said. "I..I really like it" I said. Dean smiled. I tried to get up. My head hurt a little. I closed my eyes because it hurt when I got up. 

"Are you okay?" Dean said worried. He helped me stand. "Do you wanna sit down?" Dean asked worried. "No I am fine it just hurt a little" I said. Dean looked worried still. We sat down at the beautiful lake. "I have some food" Dean said. He fixed a little picnic. I tried to get up to help him. "No, sit down I can do it. Just sit and rest" Dean said. He is so nice. He fixed everything. I felt bad that I couldn't help.. "done" Dean said. He sat down. "Come" Dean said. He took his arm up so I could lean on him. I had my head in his neck. He had his left hand on my left hand. My eyes felt heavy. I fell asleep.

Dean's POV

I got some food ready. I put it on the plates. "The food is ready" I said. I didn't say it loud. "Cas?" I asked. I looked at him. Aww, he is sleeping. I never thought I would have him again. This means so much. I didn't wanna wake him up. He slept for more than an hour. I was looking at the view. I felt Cas move. 

"Good morning" I said. He looked up at me. "How long did I sleep?" Cas asked. "Em, about one and a half an hour" I said. Cas looked shocked. "I am so sorry, you should have woke me up" Cas said. "No, I couldn't. It looked like you needed it. And you were so cute" I said. Cas's face went red. It made me smile and laugh. 

"Did you sleep bad yesterday?" I asked. "I was nervous" Cas said. "Why?" I asked. "I.. I was just nervous.. I don't really know why" Cas said. "Here the food" I said. Cas took the sandwich and ate it. He put his head on my neck. I put my hand on Cas's left arm. I ate my sandwich too. When we were done we sat there for a little while. And when Cas needed to go. I drove him to his house. We said bye and I left. We spend time together every day. It made me so happy. I haven't felt this happy in so long.

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