I am so sorry

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Sam's POV

We were in the hospital. I was sitting on the lefts side of the bed. Dean was still unconscious. He could breathe on his own now. They said he has held his breath for so long that it made it hard to breathe when he tried. Mom looked terrified. I don't know about dad.. I called Cas he was on his way. I didn't wanna leave Dean..

Cas's POV

I got to the hospital as fast as possible. "Hi, can I see Dean Winchester" I said. I am so worried about him. Sam sounded scared. Poor sam.. "who are you to him?" The lady behind the counter asked. S-should I lie so they will let me in. "I am his husband" I said. Shit.. I did it.. "He is in room 23" the lady said. "Thank you" I said and left to get to Dean. I went towards the room. Shit.. I stopped when I saw Dean's parents. Shit..what am I gonna do.. Dean's dad looked at me. Shit..shit shit what am I gonna do. I freaked out. Shit I just went into Dean's room. Sam looked up at me. He looked.. so sad. It made me sad. I went towards him. Dean was laying on the bed unconscious. "I-" I said. I was cut off by "what are you doing here?" John asked. I froze. I didn't turn around. I should just tell him. I got myself to turn around. I am doing this for Dean. "I am his boyfriend" I said nervously. "Really?" John asked confused. "Didn't he try to k-" John said. "He didn't. He didn't do anything other than trying to save me." I said. "Really?" John asked still confused or in denial. It was hard to know. "Yes." I said. He was quiet. "Cas?" Dean said sleepy. I turned to Dean. He looked like he just woke up. His eyes were barely open. I went and hugged him. Sam hugged him after me. "Can I talk to Dean alone?" John said. Dean's pulse went up. Like he didn't know he was there. I looked at Dean worried. He mimicked that it's okay. So I went out.

Dean's POV

I looked at the wall. "Dean I.." Dad said. "I-I am so sorry" dad said sad. I looked up at him. He really.. "I..I never wanted you to get hurt. I am so sorry" dad said. H-he said sorry again.. he went towards me and hugged me. I hugged him back. I closed my eyes taking in the hug. He let go after 3 minutes. "W-why are saying sorry?" I asked. I am still a little confused. "Castiel told me. I am so sorry I believed it. He told me you were dating too. I don't have any problem with that. I am happy that you can be with the person you like or love" dad said. "I am bi" I said. Dad smiled softly. "D-do you want me to get the other?" Dad asked. I nodded. He let sam and Cas come in. Dad went out to tell mom I think."How did it go?" Cas asked. "He said he was so sorry 3 times" I said. "He is okay with me being bi. You should tell him too sam" I said. Sam looked sad. "Sam come here" I said. Sam came closer. I got up. "D-dean" sam said worried. Trying to help me stop getting up. "It's okay" I said smiling softly and got up from the bed. "Come" I said. Sam came into the hug. I thought he needed a good hug. "I am sorry you need to see me like that" I said. Mom and dad came in. I let go of the hug. We looked towards them. Mom came towards me. She looked sad and worried. She hugged me. I hugged her back. "I am so sorry" mom said. It made me feel better. Then mom let go. I looked at Sam. He looked down. "I-I am b-bi" sam said nervous. Mom went to hug sam. It looked like sam needed that one too. After that, we all went home. I got mom and dad's numbers. When we came home we cuddled in bed. We had a good time. We fell asleep after a little while.

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