I feel so bad

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Dean's POV

I tried to open my eyes. It was a little blurry. I blinged some times and I rubbed my eyes. I looked around. Nobody was here. I was in a hospital. I sighed. I wanted to see Cas. But I guess.. he wouldn't care. It probably wasn't Cas. I was probably hallucinating. Why would he care about me.. He probably wants this. I wish I just let myself die. I shouldn't have believed Cas was there..

*10 minutes later*

The door opened. I didn't look at the door. Suddenly I felt someone touch me. I looked and Cas was standing there. "Hi Dean. I am so glad you have woken up" Cas said happy. I-is he happy that I am okay.. I just looked at him. "I-is something wrong?" Cas asked worried. 

"Why are you here?" I asked. I was looking down. His face went from worried to hurt. "Y-you d-don't w-want me h-here?" Cas said sad. I looked up. He looked hurt. He had tears in his eyes. "I-I d-didn't m-mean I-I-" I said really worried. "It's okay" Cas said and smiled. He wiped his tears. I still was worried. I didn't want to hurt him.. Cas went on the other side. Cas sat down on the right side of the bed. "C-can we talk?" Cas asked. I nodded. 

"Why were you there when I got hurt? I don't want to believe you did it but it does look like it" Cas said. It was quiet for a little while. I took a deep breath. "I..I came in after work and I found you laying on the ground b-bleeding. I.. I went up to y-you. A g-guy was standing a little away. H-He had a mask" I said and took a deep breath. "H-he ran when I  saw him. I..I t-tried to talk to you. B-but Y-you fell u-unconscious. I-I pressed my hand on the w-wound. A-and t-the police c-came..a-and t-they t-thought I-it w-was m-me" I said. It was hard to get out. I have been pushing it down. Because of how much it hurt. I had tears in my eyes from thinking about it. Suddenly I felt Cas hug me. "I am so sorry for everything you have gone through" Cas said sad. I hugged him back. Cas let go after a little while. He took my hand.

Roy's POV

We were listening and watching what's was happening. It really sounded like he was telling the truth. I am feeling really guilty already. Cas hugged Dean. "He should be making him feel miserable, not good. He doesn't deserve this!" My coworker said. I turned around. "I don't think he did it" I said. "You can't think that!" He said. He went out right after he said that. "Don-" I said. He closed the door in my face. He locked the door. Shit. "Open the door!" I said. "Open I said!" I said. He didn't. Fuck this is bad. I went to get my phone. Cas wasn't hugging Dean anymore. He was walking out. I tried to call him.

Cas's POV

It nocked on the door. I went up it was one of Roy's coworkers. "Can we talk?" He said. "Okay" I said. "Alone" he said. I looked at Dean. I went out. "What is it?" I asked. "You should treat him how he deserves" he said. "W-what do you mean?" I said. "He deserves to be treated bad for what he have done" he said. That offended me. "He does deserve to be treated well. I don't think he did it" I said. "Roy said to tell you that" he said. It choked me a-and h-hurt.. my phone started to ring. I took it up and it was Roy. I didn't wanna answer. I hung up. I opened the door. He grabbed my arm. "Listen to Roy" he said. I pushed my hand away. I looked mad at him. I went in to the room. I locked the door.

The phone called again. I ignored it. "Are you okay?" Dean asked worried. "N-no" I said. I went towards him. He looked worried. "Can I lay down?" I asked. Dean nodded. I laid down carefully. I didn't want to hurt him. I laid on my side so I wouldn't hurt him. "It's okay you can lay down on me" Dean said. "I don't want to hurt you" I said. "It's okay" Dean said. I laid down. I closed my eyes. Dean rubbed my back. My phone started to buzz again. I took my phone up. It was Roy. I choose to answer it. Just to stop him from calling me more. "What?" I said annoyed and mad. It was quit on the other line. "A-are you mad at me?" Roy asked confused and a hit of worriedness. "Your coworkers said that you said to him what he said to me" I said. It was quiet. Dean looked at me worried. I looked at him and back at the phone. "I..I didn't tell him to do that. He locked us in the room. I tried to call you. I would never do that. I don't think he did it. I am on your side Castiel" Roy said. Now I felt bad. He sounded hurt that I would believe him. "I am s-sorry" I said. "You don't need to be sorry. I know he told you stuff that hurt you. I understand why you would be hurt" Roy said. After that I got up and open the door for Roy. He said he was so sorry. We talked together about if Dean wasn't guilty. Roy said he would work more with it but he needed to go and get his daughter from school. I stayed by and he left. I went in to Dean's room. I laid down again. I stayed awake to he fell asleep.

I went up quitely. So I wouldn't wake him up. I wanted to see what really happened. I put off the camera and mike. I put my hand on his forehead. I closed my eyes. I went through his memories. I found it. It was hidden. It was in that part of the memory that is put long down. Normally it's because they don't want to remember it. I went through what he saw. I saw from he came in to the cops came. His eyes became more and more blurry. Probably because he was scared and worried. I could hear his thoughts at the time. It was so horrible. I feel so bad form even believing it for a moment. He has been through so much at such a short time. He went from scared for my life to release that they thought it was him that did it. I took my hand from his forehead. I sighed. I was looking down. 

"C-Cas?" Dean asked worried. I looked up. He had a worried face. I was sitting on the chair on the left side of the bed. "Yeah" I said. "Are you okay?" Dean asked. He is so caring. It made my eyes tear up. 

"W-what's wrong?" Dean asked really worried. He went to get up but he fell down. He closed his eyes in pain. "Dean" I said worried. I went up to him. He opened his eyes looking at my eyes. "It was my fault. I forgot" Dean said and laughed a little. "It's not funny" I said serious. I don't like how he didn't take it seriously. "I.. I didn't mean to offend you" Dean said worried. I sighed. "can you tell me what's wrong?" Dean asked. I took a deep breath. I am gonna lie and say I remember what happened. I don't want him to be blamed anymore for something he didn't do. 

"I remember..the day. I got flash backs" I said. "Really?" Dean said worried. "I know you didn't do it. I will tell Roy" I said. "I..I am so sorry for everything you have went through" I said sad. "It wasn't your fault" Dean said. I looked down. Dean took my hand and held it. I looked at him. He smiled to me. I looked down and took my other hand on his. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked at it. It was Roy. I answered. 

"Hi" I said. "Hi" Roy said. "I found out some more stuff. It seems like they took the choice of blaming Dean, because it seemed like it was the only choice. And it was at that time were fight for pride was going on. So they thought Dean used you and tried to kill you because he was homophobic. As they thought because nobody have heard him say that he supports it. So they went for that. I am trying to find proof that can show that Dean didn't do it" Roy said. After that I told him that I remember. I told him what I remember. I made it up in a way. I saw the guy that dean saw so I explained how he looked. After that he said he was gonna get a court day. But I needed probably to say everything again there or say it again and record it. I hung up when we where finished. I looked at Dean and down. 

"Do you really remember?" Dean asked. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean? I do" I said. "It just sounded like you got what I remember and said it from there" Dean said. Now I was so confused. 

"W-w-what d-do you m-mean?" I asked scared. I was scared he would find out and leave me. Dean sighed. "I know you went through my memory. I didn't sleep for that long. I woke up from you moving away from me" Dean said. I didn't know what to say. He sounded mad.. "I understand that you where not sure if I did it or not before you went throw my memory. I.." Dean said.

"I-I-I d-d-didn't m-me-" I said shaking. I never wanted to hurt him. I.. I don't want to loose him. "It's okay I am not mad" Dean said. He took his hand on my right side of my head. "I am not mad okay. I know you don't know that I know what you are. You told me before everything happened. I told you that I will always love you no matter what" Dean said. I had tears in my eyes. 

"Come" Dean said and took his hand out for me to lay down. I went to lay down. When I saw something on his right arm. I took Dean's shirt up on his arm. It was a tattoo of two black wings. "I wanted something that made me feel like you where closer to me" Dean said. It worm my heart. It made my eyes tear up a little more. I laid down. We both fell asleep a little after.

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