You are stunning

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Dean's POV

One day later in Dean's apartment. They fell asleep on the sofa. Cas was laying on top of Dean.

I woke up. Cas was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful. I looked at him for a while. It made me feel good to see him so peaceful. Cas moved and hugged me tighter. I took my hand through his hair. "Did I wake you up?" Cas asked. "No, I was awake" I said softly. Cas laughed "have you been watching me?" Cas asked. I smiled "yeah thought you looked so cute and beautiful" I said softly smiling. Cas smiled and got up. He sat down on my hips. I looked at him. "Thank you for saying that" Cas said softly. "Don-" I said. "I want to thank you. It means a lot" Cas said stoping me from telling him that he shouldn't say it. I smiled. "You are stunning..and it means a lot because I..I am ug-" Cas said. I am not letting him finish. "You are stunning too" I said fast and softly. Cas smiled and looked down. "Hey-" I said and took my hand on his face and make him look at me. "-you are stunning. And it's so so many things that I love about you. I love everything about your personality. How nice and kind you are. you still care about me through everything" I said. It got a little emotionally in the end. "I am glad I can help you" Cas said softly and went towards me.

*Nsfw warning*

He leaned more towards me. He looked at me in the eye. I looked at his lips and looked up. I didn't wanna force him. He smiled softly and looked at my lips. I wasn't breathing. He.. He is s-so c-close. He bit my lip. I moaned. I tried to breathe. He kissed me. I kissed back it felt so good.. I took my hand through his hair. We started to kiss faster and faster. It.. it felt so good.. My dick became hard. Cas let go and sat on me. We where both breathing heavy. My dick felt harder because he sat on it. "That was so good" Cas said softly. I smiled "it felt so good" I said. Cas moved to get up. And it made me moaned, because he brushed my d-dick. He looked at me. Fuck. "Are you hard?" Cas asked. I didn't look at him. I had my eyes close. I could hear Cas laugh lightly. Cas sat down on my hips again. I tried to breathe properly. It was hard. "What do you want?" Cas asked softly. I looked at him. He smiled. "Do you want me to –" Cas said and took his hand under my shirt. "-suck your dick or do you want me to be inside you?" Cas asked softly. Fuck.. j-just him saying t-those things make me feel.. "I-in s-side m-me" I said barely. "Okay babe" Cas said softly. He is fucking good at this.. he started to take off my clothes. He started taking off his clothes. I was just in boxers. He took off his shirt. I could see his scar. It made me sad that he needed to go through that alone. And not knowing the truth. He was just in his boxers now. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. "Do you have lube?" Cas asked softly. "Y-yeah I-in my room right side of my bed" I said softly. "Okay I will be back" Cas said. Cas came back with the lube 1 minute later. He put it on the table. "You ready?" Cas asked softly. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. I don't want to force him. Or make him do something he doesn't want to. "What do you mean? You don't want to?" Cas asked confused. "I.. I don't want to force you" I said worried. Cas sighed "I want to..i know I lost my memory, but I-" Cas looked at me. "I can feel the love I have for you. I felt it when I first saw you in the store. I felt like the hole in my heart was gone. I know why I felt like I was missing something important" Cas said softly. Cas took a deep breathe. "Do you still want to do it?" Cas asked softly. I nodded. My dick was still really hard. Cas took off my boxers. I felt my dick tighten more. Cas looked at my dick and that did not help.. he looked up at me. "Do.. do you want me to heal open your but hole or do you want me to do the more painful way?" Cas asked softly. Cas looked like he wanted to not do the painful way. "Not painful" I said softly. Cas took off his boxer. "C-can I do it?" I asked softly. Cas looked at me. Cas smiled "sure" Cas said. Cas gave me the lube. I sat up and Cas was siting down where my legs where before. I took the lube on my hands. I took my hand on his dick. Cas moaned. I started rubbing it around. Cas had his head up and eyes close. He was breathing heavy. My dick tighten even more. I didn't even think it was possible. "D-do you want t-to do it s-standing?" Cas asked barely. He was breathing heavily. "If you want to" I said softly. "Okay" Cas said a little out of breath still. And got up. He helped me get up. We went towards the wall on the right side of the tv. Cas gently pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me. I kissed back. He put up my legs. I felt Cas make my but hole bigger it made me moaned. He stopped kissing me. He put his dick in my but hole. He pushed. My head went up and my eyes closed while I moaned hard. It felt good.. "f-fast?" Cas asked. "F-fast a-and h-hard" I said and moaned "Okay babe" Cas said softly. He started to push out and in to come deeper.. it.. it felt so good. I could barely breathe. The feel was so.. Good.. I just let my self feel how good it was. I like to be the controller but.. I don't regret it at all.. "I a-am a-almost t-there" Cas said moaning. I could feel him getting closer.. "C-Cas!" I moaned loud. I cumed. It was quiet. I was trying to get my breath back to normal. Cas pushed out I fell forward. I was so week. Cas hugged me. "I took your energy out" Cas said laughing. I tried to stand up. My legs where shaking. Cas let me lean on him. Cas helped me lay down in the sofa. He took on my boxers and he put on his. He cleaned me and him self.

*No More Nsfw*

He went to the bathroom. He was gone for while. At least it felt like that. "Cas are you okay?" I asked worried loud hoping he could hear me. He got out of the bathroom. "Yes, why are you asking?" Cas asked softly. "You where gone for a while" I said worried. Cas walked towards me. He laid down on my right side. He hugged me and had his face on my chest. "I was just thinking" Cas said. I hugged him back. "About what?" I asked softly. "I don't know..I was just.. thinking about you liking me" Cas said. "Why?" I asked softly and worried. "I am just so lucky to have you. I..I don't really get how you like me. And before you say something, it's my confidence that's the problem not you. It's just hard to really get it in my head that I am what you say I am" Cas said sad. "Then I will make you believe it" I said softly. After we watched tv or I watched Cas was sleeping. I am so lucky to have him.

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