I never want this to end

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Gabriel's POV

I woke up. Sam was still sleeping. I got up and got ready. I had been trying to get Sam out of the rehab. They said he could get out. I found an apartment or house not long from here. I tried to find a place where me and sam and April could live. I want April out of there too. She is so young. They said I could foster her. I am going to get the papers today. I hope she will say yes. I am really nervous about it. I think I found a good place. I found a half house. It will have 3 bedrooms. It looked good. I went to get the papers. Then I got the papers. I went back to the rehab. I wanted to get over with it. I am so nervous. I saw April walkout to the out area. I went after "A-April" I said. She turned around. "Hi Gabriel" April said and smiled softly. "Hi" I said and smiled back. It made me a little less nervous. "C-can I talk to you?" I asked. "Of course" April said. We sat down. "Em I-I g-got.." I said. I was so nervous. "I.." I said. I just got the paper up and gave her it. She looked at it. "I-I.." I said. Why the fuck can't I say something.. I said mad at myself. She read it. She was quiet. I looked down. I am so nervous. "A-are you f-fostering m-me?" April asked surprised. I nodded. "A-are you okay?" April asked worried. "Y-yes o-or n-no I-I w-was n-nervous" I said looking down. "Thank you so much. I would love to" April said smiling softly. I looked at her. I couldn't hide the smile. April got up. April hugged me. I hugged her back. We hugged for a little while. She let go and sat down. April looked really happy. "I am glad I could help you" I said. "Thank you so much" April said again. After that we went to tell sam he was really happy. We went to see the half house I thought we could buy. We walked. "I thought we could move tomorrow if you guys like the place" I said. "Don't we need beds and stuff?" Sam asked. "I already got that. The only thing is what April and you want to decorate in your rooms and the rest of the house" I said. "W-we are not sleeping together?" Sam asked confused and a little hurt. "We are gonna sleep together. I meant you can find things you want in our room" I said. "Okay" Sam said happy. We started to get close. It was a blue house. It was not too big but not small. It had a little garden. We walked towards it. A lady came out. "Hi, are you the people that wanted to see the house?" A lady asked. "Yes" I said. "Okay, I am Rachel. I will show you around. Follow me" Rachel said. We followed her. She followed us around. I liked the house. It had two floors. The bedrooms were on the second floor. We bought the house or the half house. We went back to the rehab. I started to make food. After a while, Sam and April came. We ate after me and sam went to Sam's apartment. Sam laid down. I sat down on the bed. "Come Baby" Sam said. Sam was laying on his side. I hugged him. Sam turned around. Now I was laying on him. I fell asleep a little after.


I had asked for not working today. I slept for longer.

Sam's POV

I slept really well. I tried to move when I realized Gabriel was there. I opened my eyes. I thought he was going to work. I took my phone. The clock was 12.35 pm. "Omg Gabriel" I said shaking him. "Hmm" Gabriel said. He pushed me away. "Gabriel" I said. Gabriel pushed more away from me. Suddenly he fell backward. He opened his eyes scared when he fell down. "Ahh" Gabriel said. I got to the side where he fell. "Gabriel, are you okay??" I said worried. He was on the floor. He looked at me. I got down. I got his hand and pushed him up. He fell on me when he came up. "S-sorry" Gabriel said embarrassed and laughing a little of himself. "W-why d-did you wake me up?" Gabriel asked looking up at me. "You are late to work" I said worried. "I am not going for work" Gabriel said. "Y-you are not? I am so sorry for waking you up" I said worried and embarrassed. I feel so bad. "M-my h-head h-hurt a l-little" Gabriel said laughing a little. "Do you want to lay down?" I asked worried. I feel so bad. I laid down. Gabriel laid down he put his head in my neck. "I am so sorry" I said worried. Gabriel looked at me. "It's okay" Gabriel said and smiled softly at me. Gabriel took my hand and held it. Gabriel closed his eyes. He fell asleep after a little while. I fell asleep a little after.

Gabriel's POV

"Sammy?" I said. I shaked him a little. "Mm" Sam said. Sam turned his head towards me. "Sammy, you need to wake up" I said. We were leaving today. Sam opened his eyes. He smiled "Do you feel better?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I d-" I said. I was interrupted by sam kissing me. I kissed back. Sam got over me. I took my hand through his hair. We kissed for a while over 4 minutes. Sam let go. We were both breathing heavily. Sam put his forehead on mine. "I love you" Sam said. It made me smile "I love you too" I said.

*1 hour later*

We went out to get April. I have gotten the stuff to the house. It should be almost done. We walked over there. I opened the door. We walked in. We took off our jackets and shoes. "Wow everything is here" sam said. "Yeah, I got people to get the stuff here. They were really nice" I said. We walked around seeing how it looked. April went to her room. She had bought some posters and took her stuff with her. Sam was looking around. "Sam" I said. "Yeah, babe" sam said. "Thank you for forgiving me" I said. Sam walked towards me. He leaned down because I am shorter than him. He kissed me. I kissed him back. "Awwwww" April said. I went out of the kiss. I looked down embarrassed. Sam laughed. This is embarrassing.. sam kissed my forehead. I looked up at him. He was smiling. He looks.. so happy. It made me smile. He looked at April. "Do you guys want to watch tv?" Sam asked smiling. I didn't look away from him. I love him so much.. we sat down on the sofa. "It's soft" April said. It really was. I like it. Sam took his hand around me. I took my head in his neck. I..I never want this to stop..

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