I let the pain stay

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Cas's POV

Me and Dean have been dating for 3 months. Before we started dating. I felt like something was missing. Like a hole in my heart, but now I don't feel that. I feel like Dean filled that hole. I wanted him to meet my family. I asked him 20 minutes ago. He said he couldn't come. 

I went downstairs. "Is your boyfriend coming?" Gabriel asked. "No he said he couldn't come" I said.  I sat down on Gabriel's right side on the sofa. "How long had you been dating?" Gabriel asked. "3 months" I said. "Hmm weird that he chickened out, what's his name?" Gabriel asked. "He didn't chicken out. His name is Dean" I said. 

Gabriel was drinking. He choked on the water. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. "y-yeah I am fine" Gabriel barely said. 

"Do you know him?" I asked. I felt like he reacted weirdly. "What's his last name?" Gabriel asked. "I don't know he hasn't told me" I said. "How does he look?" Gabriel asked. It sounded like he was worried. "He has dark blond hair and forest green eyes" I said. Gabriel looked really worried. 

"i-is it b-bad?" I asked worried. "I.. I don't know how to say this.. h-he is the one that tried to kill you" Gabriel said. I..I couldn't believe it.. he can't have done that.. n-no..he.. I really felt like he cared about me.. "I am not okay with him doing this to you. You should tell him to come and get you tomorrow. And I will make him understand to leave you alone" Gabriel said. I didn't say anything. It hurt so much..

*2 Hours later*

I laid in bed. My phone buzzed. I looked at it and it was Dean. He texted "I am sorry for not coming. I hope you are not mad at me. I want to meet your family. Can we talk on the phone? I miss you I want to hear your beautiful voice" I..I want to believe what he is saying but.. maybe he is just manipulating me. I was tired. I texted "I need to go to bed". I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

*Next day*

I went up from the bed and to the shower. I washed my body and hair. I went out and took on some soft clothes. I went to my bed and opened my phone. Dean had texted me and it said "good night". I don't know what to do. I.. I texted him 

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to put you on cold". Dean texted back a little later 

"it's okay Pls don't blame yourself. I know how important it is for you. Can we meet today? I am free the hold day". I want to meet and talk to him about everything.. I texted "I am free can you now?" Dean texted "yeah, I can come and get you". I texted them "ok". I went to take on some normal clothes.

Dean's POV

I drove to Cas's house. I need to tell him a lot of stuff. I just hope that he won't leave me because of it. I was at Cas's house. I went out to knock on the door. The door opened and.. it was Gabriel. He looked so mad. If I gonna be honest it scared me. 

"What the fuck are you doing here??!!" Gabriel yelled angry. "I –" I said. I was cut off by Gabriel punching me in the face. I don't want to fight him. He hit me in the stomach. Then head again and again and again. I fell to the ground. My vision was blurry. My head hurt so bad. I wasn't going to fight back. He started kicking me in the chest and stomach. It started to hurt a lot. It was hard to breathe. 

"Gabriel!" Cas said. Gabriel stopped and turned around. "He deserves it." Gabriel said. Gabriel moved Cas inside and closed the door. It fucking hurt. I guess he knows. Or will. I tried to get up. I groaned in pain. I got in the car. It was a miracle that I came there without falling. I drove to my apartment and went in there. I wanted it to hurt so I didn't do anything about the wounds. I sat down on the sofa and started to watch tv. It's how I want to deal with the pain. The emotional pain.

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