We meet again (sabriel)

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Gabriel's POV

I talked to Cas about Dean. I said I was really sorry for what I did. I should have stopped myself.. I told Dean that I was sorry. He said it was okay. He said he would do that too if he just knew what I did. If it was his little brother. It made me think of Sam. I dated him for 7 months. When I found out that he lied to me. He told me his last name was Johnson. He lied to me about the hold time. When I found out I left him. It's 3 months ago. I..I feel bad. I was mad that he lied, but when I thought about it. I think I know why he lied and I feel so bad. I shouldn't have left him like that. I should have let him explain. I hope with my hold heart that he is okay. I hope that I will see him again. So I can at least say that I am sorry. I wanna be with him, but I understand if he doesn't.

Sam's pov

Gabriel left me because I lied to him. I deserved it. I know he would have left me anyways. He left me just with a note. Telling me that he knows and that he is disgusted that I lied. He said that I tricked him and that I just wanted to use him. That I tricked him into losing his virginity. My hold world crashed down. Gabriel was the only one holding me up. I don't talk to my parents, because I think they wouldn't love me for who I am. My brother is homophobic and tricked Gabriel's brother to think he cared about him. It's hard to know that your family wouldn't want you anymore if they found out. I started to drink when Gabriel left. I stopped going to school. I became a mess a broken soul. One of my friends put me in rehab. They saw how bad it was and placed me in an apartment that they had control over. They check if I drink every day. I couldn't take the pain. I started to cut myself. It helped to make the pain go away for a little time. I..I don't think I will survive.. I know that I will kill myself in the end. I know I can't fight this for so much longer..

Gabriel's POV

I like making food. I work at a job that goes and sells food at places. Like hospital and charity work and just places that order. I go to the place and make warm food. I like it a lot of people say nice things about the food. It makes my day. My boss told me that I was going to a rehab place. My coworker can't work for a while. She has a kid so I am gonna take her place there. I walked to the place. I didn't know where I was supposed to go. I walked in. "excuse me, where is the cafeteria or food area?" I asked a lady. I think maybe she works here. "Over there" she said and pointed. "Thank you" I said. I went towards the cafeteria. I needed to go more than once to get food. My coworker's name is Rachel. She told me that 12 people live here. She said they are all nice. I was looking forward to it. I went to buy food. I looked around to try to find stuff. I was making hamburgers. I got some options for the people living here. I started to cook the meat. And got the bread ready. I like making food because I can make something that's good. It makes my day when people say they like my food. I cooked bacon and put salad and tomato in different bowls. I put some dressing in bowls too. "Hi, are you the new guy taking over for Rachel?" A lady asked. I looked up. "Yes" I said. "Are they gonna go down here and get the food or are you gonna give them it in their apartments?" She asked. "It would be best if they come down and choose what they want on the burger and then go up with the food" I said. "Okay, I will give them a time that they can come. 5 minutes apart is that okay?" She asked. "Yeah, thank you" I said. She smiled and left.

20 minutes later they started to come one and one. I had given food to 10 people now. A girl walked in. She looked at the food. "What do you want?" I asked. "C-can I get something without meat?" She said nervously. "Of course, what do you like to have?" I asked. She looked more comfortable now. "I-I would like a salad i-if it's okay" she said. "Of course, what do you like on your salad?" I asked. "I don't know" she said. "I just have this. I wasn't told that someone was vegan or vegetarian. I have tomatoes, salad, onion, champignons, pickled, cucumbers and spinach. And cheese and mayonnaise if you eat that" I said. "Em can I get salad and spinach and tomatoes" she said. "Okay if you want I can go and buy you more stuff you can have in your salad?" I asked. She smiled "it's okay, thank you so much" she said. I smiled back. "Next time I will come with something good. Do you eat milk and eggs?" I asked. "I don't" she said. "Okay, what's your name?" I asked. She looked young and underage. "April" April said. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. I smiled "hi April, my name is Gabriel" I said. She smiled. I gave her the food. She went up. The last person didn't come.

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