I am glad I could help

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Next day

I had on an alarm. It didn't wake up Sam. I went up and got clothes on. When I was done I went to Sam. "Moose, I am going now" I said and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled. I left after that. I took out my phone and called Cas. "Hi Gabriel" Cas said. "Hi Cassie" I said. "Is Dean there?" I asked. I wanted to tell him where Sam is. So he could tell Sam everything. So they can become good brothers again. "Yes, why?" Cas asked. "I want to talk about something with him" I said. "What is it?" Dean asked. "I found your brother. He doesn't know that you didn't hurt Cas. I..I think it will make it a lot better for him if you visit him and tell him" I said. I was walking to my office. "How did you find him?" Dean asked confused. "I work at a company that makes food in different places. And Sam was in one of the places" I said. "Where?" Dean asked. "A rehab facility" I said. It was quiet. He was probably also shocked that Sam could be drinking like that. "I..can you give me the address?" Dean asked. "Yeah I can send Cas it. And..em.. I don't know how to say this.. I-I am in a relationship with him" I said. It was quiet. "For how long?" Dean asked. He didn't sound mad. "We were together for 7 months when I broke up because I found out he lied to me about who he was. But I regret it and we are trying to fix everything" I said. "Thank you for telling me, I will visit him today. I don't want to wait" Dean said. "Okay" I said. I went to my office. "I need to go" I said. "Okay have a nice day" Cas said. "You too" I said and hung up.

Sam's POV

I went out of my room. I wanted to talk to her. I went up to Randi because I didn't see her. "Hi, do you know where the young blonde hair girl is?" I asked. She looked at me weird. "Why are you asking?" Randi asked confused. "I wanted to talk to her" I said. She looked at me still weird. "I can get her" Randi said and left. I guess I am just gonna stand here. I waited 5 minutes when she came with her. She was looking down. "Hi" I said. "H-hi" she said nervously. "Gabriel said I should talk to you. That maybe I could help you. So if you want we can go out and talk" I said. "O-okay" she said. We went out. We sat down at a bench. She was looking down. "Gabriel didn't tell me what you said. He didn't wanna say it because he felt like it was wrong. The only thing he said was that maybe I could help you. And that he felt bad for you" I said. "I can see that your are young, how old are you?" I asked. "16" she said still looking down. "That's really young, do your parents see you?" I asked. "N-no" she said. I sighed "Gabriel told me that if I tell you about me maybe you will open up. So I don't talk to my parents. Because.. I am bi and I don't think they would be okay with it-" I said. She looked up at me. "- my brother.. he tried to kill a gay guy. G-Gabriel's brother. A-and I am have nightmares of what he will say to me when he finds out.." I said. I took a brake to take some deep breaths. "I just don't have parents. I have been in foster care my hold life.. I am sorry for what happened to you" she said. "That's bad too, I at least had parents" I said. "What's your name?" I asked. "A-April" April said. "That's a beautiful name mine is Sam. It's more boring" I said laughing a little. April smiled. It made me feel good that I could make her smile. When I have seen her before she was sad. "W-Why did you start drinking?" April asked. "I lied to Gabriel about who I was. And he found out and left me. My hold world crashed down. He was the only one holding me up. I fell in to hard depression. I started to drink. I never been that type of guy to drink. I like healthy food-" I sighed. I want to tell her everything so I will keep going. "When I came to rehab I didn't stop to drink so they put me here. They have had cameras watching me. Gabriel got them to stop now. When I stoped drinking I started to harm my self. It took away the pain away for a little while.." I said. "I never harmed my self, but I have thought about it" April said. "Pls never do it" I said. "I won't" April said. "I regret it-" my eyes start to water. "- Gabriel found out and was so heartbroken that I did that to my self. I will never do it again.. I don't want to see him like that again" I said. I rubbed my eyes trying to take away the tears. "Why did you drink?" I asked. "I got bullied at my school. I didn't have a nice time going back and forth to different foster parents. They never liked me. It just became so bad that I started to drink and stopped going to school" April said. "Do you go to school know?" I asked. "I am taking private school" April said. "That's good. I went out of my last year at law school, because of what happened. I don't know if I am gonna take it up again" I said. "Do you want to be a lawyer?" April asked. "Yes" I said. "Then I think you should do it" April said. "Yeah I will probably, I am gonna wait to I get out of here" I said and smiled to April. Randi came towards us. "Someone wants to see you Sam" Randi said. "Who?" I said confused. Gabriel would just have called me. I don't understand who it is. "I don't know, he is in your apartment" Randi said. "So it's not Gabriel?" I asked. "No it's not him" Randi said. "I guess I need to go. Do you know where my apartment is?" I asked April. "No" April said. "It's number 12" I said and smiled to her. "Okay" April said and smiled back. "See you later" I said to April. She smiled again. It made me happy. I left after that.

I went to my apartment. I have no idea who it can be. I opened the door. I froze when I saw who it was. It.. it's Dean. He turned around when I came in. I didn't know what to do. "Hi Sammy" Dean said and smiled. I was quite. He came towards me. I came to reality. I moved away when he walked towards me. He stoped "a-are you scared of me?" Dean asked worried and sad. It confused me. "I didn't do it. I could never hurt Cas-" Dean said sad. He called Castiel the nickname Gabriel calls him. Dean took a deep breath. "He is my boyfriend. I never hurt him. Cas remembers that I didn't do it. Gabriel told me you where here. I wanted to come as fast as possible. I don't want you to think I wouldn't love you because you like guys" Dean said. Dean looked at me and so down. I didn't know what to say. "I-I-I can leave i-if you d-don't want me h-here" Dean said. I.. dean started to walk towards me to leave. He looked hurt. It hurt to see him like that. He went past me. I tried to say something, but.. I couldn't.. he walked away. I-I don't want him to go. I ran to him I grabbed his arm. He looked at me. "I-I d-don't..w-want you to l-leave" I said. Dean didn't say anything. I let go of his hand and looked down. I suddenly felt him hug me. It felt so good. I hugged him back. I..I always wanted my big brother back. And.. and now i got him back. I tried not to cry. It took so much pain away. Dean let go after about 3 minutes. "C-can you stay? Y-you don't need to" I said. "I would love to" Dean said. "D-do you want to watch tv?" I asked. Dean smiled "Sure" Dean said. We went to my room. We sat down at the sofa. "C-can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Of course you can ask what ever you want" Dean said. We where watching some show on the tv. "Do you know why they thought you did it? You don't need to answer" I asked. "It's okay. They saw me over Cas with blood on my hands. I understand why they thought it. And it was a time where pride was going on. They thought the worse. The lawyer that worked on the case said he regretted not thinking of the other option. They took photo of me as evidence. You could see that I had been crying" Dean said. That's horrible. Dean sighed "how have you been? Gabriel told me that you lied about who you were. And that he left you" Dean said. "It took a hold on me" I said. "I never thought you would be the one to go to rehab. I thought that would be me" Dean said. I was looking down. "Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed about. You fought through it. You are strong" Dean said. It meant a lot that he said that. I felt tears in my eyes. I looked away from him. So he wouldn't see my tears. Dean sighed "I know I said before that boys shouldn't cry, but I am so wrong. It's not good to not cry when you need to. You need to let it out or it will get bigger" dean said. I felt the tears go down my face. "Come" Dean said. He took his arm out. I went towards him and hugged him. Dean rubbed my back. "I am so sorry you needed to go through this" Dean said sad. I let the tears go down. "I..I m-missed y-you" I said. I started to cry. "I missed you too" Dean said. It felt good that I could cry in front of Dean. I let my self relax.

Dean's POV

Poor Sam. Sam was quiet. It worried me. "Sammy?" I said. He didn't respond. I turned him carefully. "Sammy?" I asked again. I think he is sleeping. Poor sammy.. I turned him carefully back. I turned on something I want to watch. I am glad I could help him.

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