It hurts so bad (sabriel)

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Gabriel's POV

My back hurts so bad. I can't stand up without it hurting like hell. It has gotten worse and worse. I know what the problem is but.. I can't fix it myself. And it's embarrassing to ask Cas. it's my back where my wings are. To get it to stop. You need to make them show up. It doesn't work if I make them show up. If you push down right on where my wings are on my back. They will come out with healing the back at the same time. It's a thing that smart to do sometimes. So this doesn't happen and I haven't. Now I don't go out of bed. It's so bad. I am scared of what will happen if I try to get out of bed. I think sam is mad at me. He hasn't talked to me in long. It's hard to do anything when I have the back pain. I am scared of what's gonna happen..

Sam's POV

I went into the house. April was watching tv. "Where is Gabriel?" I asked. April turned around. "He is in your room" April said. I got up. I opened the door. Gabriel was laying there on his side. Maybe I should confront him. I did I went towards him. "Gabriel" I said. I shaked him a little. I stopped when it sounded like he was in pain. "G-Gabriel?" I said worried. He opened his eyes barely. He was breathing heavy. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. He didn't answer. He closed his eyes. "Are you mad at me?" I asked a little annoyed. "Is it your back?" I said worried and went on top of the bed. Behind him. I took him under the arm. I tried to get him to sit. He didn't say anything. When I got him to sit. I took off his shirt. He wasn't breathing normally. I tried to get him to sit straight. He looked like he was maybe in pain, because of the breathing. "Does it hurt?" I asked worried. He didn't answer. I took my hand on his shoulder and massaging him. He didn't look in pain before I came longer down. I stopped I couldn't do this to him. Gabriel was breathing barely. "D-do you want me to stop?" I asked worried. "N-no" Gabriel said sad. It sounded like he wanted the pain to end. I-If he says so.. I started to do it again. I could see where it hurt more. It was.. No he couldn't be.. he couldn't be an a-angel.. I pushed down my fingers where it seemed to hurt most. I have read about this. But I don't know why he is in so much pain.. his shoulders went back. The light came out of where I pushed and his mouth and eyes. I-it scared the shit out of me. I couldn't do anything. Than just watch.. He fell back words after what felt like forever. "G-Gabriel?" I said scared and worried. I could.. see his beautiful wings. They were beautiful.. I checked his pulse. He had a pulse. I couldn't do anything.. he was laying on me. I tried to feel his wings. They are so beautiful.. suddenly Gabriel jumped. His wings disappeared. He got up from the bed. He looked scared at me. I tried to get closer. He went away from me. "I am not gonna hurt you" I said. I went up from the bed and towards him. He just stood there scared. "Your wings are beautiful" I said. He didn't move. He just looked at me. Now I was a few inches away from him. I took my hand on his face. "I will always love you no matter what" I said. Gabriel started to get tears in his eyes. He seemed to calm a little down. "Aww Babe" I said worried. I hugged him. "It's gonna be okay" I said. Gabriel hugged me back. "I love you no matter what too" Gabriel said. I never want this to end.

Thank you so much for reading💗

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