I feel so bad for her

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Sam's POV

Next day

I woke up alone. I looked around and I couldn't see Gabriel. It worried me. I looked down at my hands. The bandage was there so I wasn't dreaming. "Gabriel?" I asked. Nobody answered. I went up. It was a note on the kitchen counter. Pls..don't be a goodbye. I went and read it. It said "sorry didn't mean to worry you. I needed to go to work. I will be back for dinner. If you come last we can eat together. Looking forward to seeing you❤️". I am looking forward to it too.

Gabriel's POV

I made normal spaghetti and one Vegetarian spaghetti. I was in the cafeteria. I put 3 chairs on the other side of the kitchen counter. So if people want to sit here they can. People came and went. April came in. "Hi April" I said. She smiled. "Hi Gabriel" she said. It made me happy that I could make someone's day. "I made vegetarian spaghetti. I hope you like it" I said and smiled. "Thank you" April said. I gave her the food. "C-can I sit here?" April asked. "Of course" I said smiling. She sat down. "Can I ask you some questions? You don't need to answer" I said. "It's okay" April said. "How old are you? You look really young" I said. "I am 16" April said. "That's horrible.. when did you start to drink? You don't need to answer" I asked. "15, I did it to take the pain away" April said looking down. "Did your parents leave you here?" I asked. "I don't have any parents.. I have always been in foster care" April said still looking down. That broke my heart. Poor April.."Do you still drink?" I asked. "No, I have stopped" April said and looked up at me. I smiled at her. She smiled back. Sam walked in. I smiled at him. He sat down on April's right side. I fixed his food on a plate. I gave him it. "Thanks" Sam said. I took a chair and sat down and ate my food. On the other side of them. It was quiet. "Do you know each other?" I asked. April didn't answer. "No, I am most in my room" Sam said. "T-thank you for the food. I-it was really good" April said. I smiled "thank you for saying that. What do you want tomorrow?" I asked. "I don't know" April said. She smiled at me. "I think I have an idea" I said. April smiled at me and left. I smiled back before she left. "You really are in your room the hold time?" I asked. Sam looked at me. "I didn't really feel like talking to anyone" Sam said looking back at the food. "I think she would be happy to get to know you. I think she came to drink by emotions. I think you should talk to her" I said. "She talked to you?" Sam asked surprised. "Yes, she told me stuff. I feel bad for her" I said. "She seemed shy when I have seen her. What did she tell you?" Sam asked. "I don't want.. she opened more up to me..I-" I said. "It's okay, I understand" Sam said and looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back. "You should have waked me up before you went. I got worried I just dreamed the hold thing" Sam said. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to" I said. I didn't mean to scare him. "It's okay, can you wake me up tomorrow. So I can say bye?" Sam asked. "Okay if you insist" I said. When Sam was done we went to his apartment. We cuddle watching some tv. I tried to watch tv but I fell asleep. Sam fell asleep after me.

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