I love you

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Dean's POV

*1 and a half an hour later*

It knocked on the door. "Sammy?" I said. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move. Sam is laying on me. "Sam?" A girl said. "Sammy" I said and checked him a little. "Mm" sam said. He looked disturbed. "Sammy, someone as at the door" I said. He opened his eyes. He got up "s-s-so-" sam said. I didn't want him to apologize. "It's okay don't worry" I said. Sam calmed down. I smiled at him. Sam got up. He went to the door. He opened it. It was a young girl. It looked like she was about to go. "Sorry, April I was sleeping" sam said. She looked at me and then at Sam. She looked confused. "Y-y-you a-a-are-" she said. "N-n-no he is my brother" sam said. "S-sorry" she said and looked down. "It's okay. I am glad you care" sam said. I got up. "Hi, I am Dean" I said. "H-hi" she said. "Why did you come?" Sam asked. "I-it's dinner. I..I t-thought m-maybe we could eat all together" she said. I didn't understand why she asked sam about that.. "of course-" sam looked at me. "- I need to eat dinner. Can I get your number?" Sam said. "Of course" I said. I wrote my number on a paper. "Text me so I know your number" I said. "Thank you for coming" sam said. I left a little after. I called Cas "Hi Dean" Cas said. "Hi babe" I said. "I am coming home. I had a good time with sam. I think I made him feel better. I at least hope so" I said. "I am sure you did. I have made dinner. I am looking forward to seeing you" Cas said. "I do too" I said. I went home and had a good time with Cas. I love him.

Sam's POV

Me and April went down. "Are you okay?" April asked. "Why do you ask?" I asked confused. "I.. I just thought-" April said. "N-no, he didn't do it. He was falsely accused. It is horrible. Cas remember what happened. Gabriel's brother. They are dating. I am so happy for him. I got my brother back" I said. It made me smiled. "I am happy for you" April said smiling softly. "Hi Moose" Gabriel said. "Hi Gabe" I said. Me and April sat down. "April told me that you talked" Gabriel said. "Did you know Dean didn't do it?" I asked. Gabriel looked at me. "N-no or I knew a few weeks ago" Gabriel said. "Is that why you forgave me?" I asked. "No I..I realized I.." Gabriel looked at April. "D-do you want me to g-go?" April asked. "N-no" Gabriel said. "What did you realize?" I asked. Gabriel took a deep breath. "T-that I..I l-love you" Gabriel said. I..i didn't know what to say. Gabriel was looking down. He never said that to me.. He told me it was hard for him to say he loved someone."I.." Gabriel said. I realized I have been quiet for a while. April got up. She went across the kitchen counter. April was about to hug Gabriel. Gabriel looked up. He had tears in his eyes. N-no.. "G-Gabriel I-I didn't mean t-" I said worried. "It's okay I-I understand" Gabriel said crying. "Gabriel no, I love you too..I..I am so sorry" I said worried. I didn't wanna hurt him. Gabriel looked at me. I got up. "S-s-sorry I-" Gabriel said. "Its nothing to be sorry about" April said. "Come" I said. He turned around. I hugged him. He hugged me back. I looked at April. I smiled at her. It means a lot that she cares about him. I went out of the hug. I looked at Gabriel. I rubbed the tears away from his face. "We should eat" Gabriel said. "Yeah, do you want to sit down?" I asked. "No it's okay" Gabriel said. We went back and started to eat. "W-what did you guys talk about?" Gabriel asked. "We talked about our life's" I said. "Did you learn more about each other?" Gabriel asked. "Yeah" April said. We ate done. Me and Gabriel went up to my apartment. April said bye and went to her apartment. I locked the door. I walked onto the bed. I took off my clothes. I was just in the boxers. "Are you coming?" I asked. Gabriel was looking down. "I-I-I s-sorry m-my e-emoti-" Gabriel said. I got up. "It's nothing to apologize for" I said. I took my hand on His cheek. I took his face up. I looked at him in the eye. "I-it's b-been a long t-three days" Gabriel said. "I know. It's gonna be okay. I am sorry I didn't tell you, that I love you" I said. "I love you too" Gabriel said. I leaned forward and kissed Gabriel. Gabriel kissed me back. I let go. Gabriel hugged me. I hugged him back. "Do you want to go to bed?" I asked. "Yeah" Gabriel said. I let go of the hug, but still had my hand on Gabriel's back. I laid down. Gabriel laid down on my left side. He hugged me. I hugged him back. I took my hand through his hair. I think he is sleeping. I took my other hand on his back. I tried to sleep. I fell asleep a few minutes later

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