three to four

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Two weeks have gone by already, it has truly felt like a blur. I have to say, Arden keeps you busy, they make us go through obstacle courses, swimming lessons, gun ranges, and a bunch of other tasks. That's only the physical aspect, the academics are even more tortuous. Sometimes I feel like everyone who graduates Arden is sculpted to perfection in every single way.

I was half asleep in Mr.Fredrick's class when the headmistress walked in.

"May I take Andrea Ramos out of class for a few minutes?" I swallowed. What was this about? I grabbed my things and walked out with her.

"How are you finding Arden, Andrea?"

"It's great, but also draining."

"I see. Arden's main goal is to have all of its students excel in every single subject, so I understand it does get hard." We walked into her office and she offered me a seat.

"Andrea, you're a third year right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hmm. You know that I have been closely monitoring the twenty students chosen for the scholarship right? I need to make sure our investments don't go to waste."

"That's valid."

"Today I got your report."

"My report? This early?"

"Yes, because, well we have seen some interesting things." I clenched my jaw.

"And what is that?"

"You have been passing every class with flying colors. For someone who is at Arden for the first time, this is rather astonishing."

"I have been working hard."

"You have. And that is precisely why I would like you to move up to fourth year. I truly believe you can handle it."

"Ma'am I truly am grateful for this, but I don't think I'm quite ready. I've only just started."

She smiles and takes out a folder.

"Take a look at this." I open the folder to see a bunch of numbers.

"At Arden, each class has a certain amount of points. At the end of the school year we add them all up to determine who the top student is. Looking at your scores right now for all your activities and classes, you have perfect scores for each."

"How much is a perfect score?"

" 1000 is the highest score anyone can have. No one has gotten that except for one which was plenty of years ago. Many have come close, I must say, like last year our top student was at a score of 989."


"I want you to move up to fourth year, so you have the chance to compete with the fourth years. Each year has their own ranking, and I know that for third year you will come on top. But I have faith that you can make it to the top within the fourth years."

"It would be challenging."

"Look, Andrea I've been here for decades. I really think this is the right decision for you. You've got great abilities."

"If you say so ma'am. I would like to propose something."

"Go on."

"I will try out your idea. If my scores start to drop, I would like to be moved back to third year without penalty."

"It's a deal."


"Here. This is your new schedule." I grabbed the paper she handed me. I turned to walk out the door.

"I also think you should join our soccer team. They could really use a player with your physical abilities."

"I'll check it out," I say as I close the door behind me. The halls were empty, as classes were still in session. I decided to go to the class that my new schedule indicated. Once I found the classroom, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Walking in, I surveyed the classroom. Until one person caught my eyes. Devyn Ackerman.

"Can I help you with something?" The teacher asked.

"Um- yeah. I've actually been transferred to this class."

"That's odd. Let me see your schedule." I walk towards her and hand her the paper.

"Well, I guess you're joining us. Please take a seat..."

"Andrea Ramos."

"Nice to meet you Andrea." The only empty seat was upfront so I quickly sat down. Before I entered the class it was quiet so I figured they were working on some kind of assessment.

"Here are our course materials. And here is the test they're working on right now. You can use this as a study guide at the moment, and then you can take a different test on the same topic next week." The test was filled with numbers. Advanced Calculus.

"Ma'am if you don't mind, may I just take the test?" The whole class suddenly looked at me.

Letting out a chuckle she replied, " You can, but you may not score well."

"I think I can." I heard little snickers from behind.

"Very well. Your score will be final."

"Thank you." I started to work through the problems until the bell rang. I handed my test in with only one blank question because I didn't have the time to complete it. I wiped my palms on my thighs and walked out of class.

This new schedule change will be interesting. Now I'm up a year, I wonder what kinds of things I'll have to face.

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