stay awhile

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Sloane and I watch father's car pull up in the drive way.

"There he is." She walks away from the window in the living room and heads to the dining room. As I start to follow her she stops me.

"Go get your friend. And make sure she's wearing something appropriate for dinner. Father has been waiting to meet her."

"Why do I have to go get her?" I whine.

"You guys know each other. Just go, I don't want to hear anything else. I'll get Riley."

I roll my eyes and head up the stairs. Finding her room I give it a knock. She doesn't open it. Sighing I decide to knock again.

"If you're done with your beauty sleep-" I start to say as the door swings open.

"I wasn't sleeping." For a brief moment I find myself standing in awe in the doorway. She looked gorgeous. Before she could notice, I had to get myself together.

"My father is home, and we were going to have dinner."

"Mhmm. I'm aware."

"So I was sent to get you."

"You thought I'd get lost in this palace?"

"You could. You are a bit... crazy." She gives me a smile and walks out closing the door behind her. She starts walking towards the stairs, but for some reason my feet don't want to move.

When she notices that I'm not following her, she turns around.

"What happened to my personal escort?" I shake my head and walk towards her. We head down the stairs and join Riley and Sloane for dinner.

"You look pretty darn good!" Sloane says to Andrea.

"Thanks. Also, thanks for lending me these clothes." She was wearing a red off the shoulder top, leaving her shoulders exposed. Her hair was put down, letting her fidget with it. She'd keep putting her hair behind her ear, but it would slip out again.

"You're really pretty." Riley added. Andrea blushed and moved her hair away from her face again.

"That's enough guys. Don't butter her up." I say and both of them give me a stern stare.

"Don't mind her. She's always like this." Sloane says as she looks at Andrea.

"Oh I know. I have to deal with her in school. She's a real treat." Andrea gives me a glare as she sits across from me, and Sloane takes the seat right next to her. Riley sits next to me on the other side of the table.

"I think my sister is the best!" Riley gives me a tight side hug.

"You see? Riley knows."

"You're only sweet to her anyways." Sloane complains.

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe you don't deserve my love."

"Is that so?"

"Mhmm, you've got Felix."

"Who's Felix?" Andrea asks.

"Sloane is getting married to him." Riley replies as Reggie sets the food on the table.

"Oh, congratulations."

"Thanks." I look at Riley and make a barfing noise and we both laugh. Sloane takes that as challenge and speaks up again.

"I think you should come to the wedding, Andrea." My jaw drops and Sloane makes sure to send me a quick wink.


"No not you. What is wrong with you Sloane? Now you're just going to invite random people to your big day?" I knew she was doing this just to prove a point, but I hated it. I didn't want her to attend.

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