Caught the Prey

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Time had passed by, and the male rested on his bed. He was confused at the sudden death of his father, he was only able to stay in the house for a small amount of time. Less than a month to be fair. He hadn't heard from Shuichi, but it had only been a few hours since he left the questioning. Still though, he felt as though everything in his life was falling apart, as though everything that had kept him happy was now being taken away as well. Kokichi was surprised at the sudden ringing of his phone, he turned his head and reached for it as his eyes widened at the name of the caller. "...Rantaro?" Picking up his phone, he answered the call.

"Let's meet up. My house."

Few hours earlier...
"Kokichi?" Pausing, Rantaro quickly hid behind the wall before he were about to pass by Shuichi. "H-He wants to come live with me...?" Eyes widening, Amami clenched his jaw shut whilst hoping to stay quiet. "I see, well, I'll happily let him stay. If you see him, tell him I said yes." As soon as the phone hung up, Rantaro knew that Shuichi had a wide smirk on his face. Walking out from his spot, he turned the detective around and grabbed his collar. "If he sticks with you, I'll take you down with me to jail about the shit you did."

"But that's cheating, isn't that against the game?" Saihara's eyes pierced through the other male, as though he were threatening to kill him. Literally.

"Fuck cheating... Why don't we just settle onto a better agreement?"

I stood outside feeling cold as I shivered, it was midnight and I had to sneak out from the window. The only clothes I wore was an oversized purple hoodie along with some trousers. I couldn't help but feel the feeling of being watched, yet I shrugged it off and walked towards Rantaro's door. I knocked a few times, taking out my phone to message him just in case. I didn't know why the fuck he wanted to meet up after the shit he pulled a few days ago, but if he's here to apologise then I'll gladly listen. As soon as I had opened my phone to message him, I my phone had slipped out of my hand whilst my wrist was tightened by another's. My breath was paused as soon as I had felt a cloth land onto my mouth. The person behind me was much taller and bigger than me, considering my small form. I struggled in the grasp I was in, feeling strong fear before my eyes felt droopy. 'Fuck...' Was all I had thought to myself as I had finally succumbed to the darkness.

Kokichi groggily opened up his eyes, feeling sleepy yet confused. 'When did I... Go to sleep?' He thought to himself, yet upon seeing pitch black, he had later realised that he was blindfolded. About to panic, he heard a door creak open as it was followed along by footsteps. More than a one person actually.
Kokichi made sure to keep himself in order due to the fact that he was tied down rather tightly to a chair. His mouth was covered by a gag, to assure whoever had taken him would keep him quiet. "We know your awake~"
Kokichi frowned unconsciously, he quickly hit his lip as a way to stay calm before he jumped in fright. "He's probably scared, so don't fucking touch him." One of them warned the other, Kokichi could have sworn he recognised the voices yet couldn't figure out as to who it was. "Oh, really? Why should I listen to you when you were the one who tried to poison me?" The gag was taken off including the blindfold. Trying to get used to the light, he was quickly brought back to his senses as he realised what he was wearing. It was an oversized white shirt which most definitely did not belong to him, including dark grey shorts that he never owned. Looking up, Kokichi recognised that he was in a basement. Noticing who was in front of him, his breath left him. It was-
"R-Rantaro and... S-Shuichi?" Kokichi attempted to keep his cool as he silently laughed, "W-Wow, I didn't know y-you guys were so obsessed with m-me!" Didn't Rantaro leave him? Amami-Kun was right in front of him with a small smile whilst Shuichi looked pissed. Why was he here? Was this their plan all along? And are they going to hurt hi-
"I told you, you're scaring him!" Kokichi suddenly felt a hand stroke his head, softly caressing his hair as he kept Kokichi close to him. The detective definitely saw through his act.
"Shuichi, don't act so stupid. Anyone would if they were in this situation." Rantaro held the bridge of his nose. "I-I..." Saihara detached himself from Kokichi, standing beside the other male in front of him. "We're not going to hurt you." Rantaro nodded, "Mhm, we only want one thing anyways."

"Huh? W-Well-" Not knowing what to say, Saihara luckily cut him off, "You're here for a reason, this isn't a prank." He tilted his head at the two. "What?"
Amami looked slightly annoyed at Saihara, but the small smile on his face remained. "Saihara-Kun and I decided to play a little game." Nodding along, Shuichi wanted to say something but was quickly cut off. "Mr. Detective had already started this game a while ago without even telling me about it." Rantaro gave him a smug look, Shuichi simply glared at him as he knew where this was going. "Blackmail, was it? He even tried to poison me by using Kaede."

"If only he knew that, blackmail isn't enough." He laughed as though it was a funny joke. "W-What?! I-"
"The game is called, 'Catch the Kitten.'" The other male said without turning his head to face Kokichi, still scowling at Amami. Finally turning his head to face the smaller, "We did start this not too long ago-"
"But you did do that before the game." Rantaro smirked. "...That's not my point, the point of this game is to win over the 'kitten' meaning, you."
Kokichi blinked, still trying to process this. Didn't Rantaro stop hanging out with him? And what's up with this, 'game'?
"But why?"

"Love, of course." Rantaro chillingly smiled at Kokichi, giving him goosebumps. "T-There's no way." He laughed silently, "So this really is a prank?" As he was about to sigh, his heart dropped upon the sight of Saihara's expression. "...Ah, so you guys are serious, huh?" He spoke out loud, fully aware of the tight rope on his body.

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