Blackmail was Never Enough

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"N-Neither...!" Kokichi yelled out, shutting his eyes as he shook his head. It was quiet for a moment, too quiet. Until... "Neither?" Rantaro asked in confusion, Shuichi simply glared at Kokichi. "No, you have to pick. Me or him?" He repeated the question. The smaller male refused to give in and look up, "I s-said neither, okay! Y-You guys are both f-freaks..." He managed to spit out. Finally opening his eyes after a long moment, Ouma was confused at the dead silence he had created until his eyes met the two males. For a second, Kokichi thought he saw red glints in both of their eyes under the faint lighting of the dimly lit bulb. He felt like prey to these predators, these beings who claimed the smaller boy as 'his'. Saihara opened his mouth to speak, "...If we really can't make you love us," Perking his head up at the word, 'us',  Kokichi knew things were going to go downhill. "Then we'll make you." Rantaro said lastly. Us? We? What happened to, 'Him or me'? They haven't... Lost it. Have they? Wait, when did he put the knife dow- Kokichi's heart rate fastened as soon as he noticed the two walking towards him. "H-Hey!" He yelled but was taken aback once Shuichi started to untie the smaller from his bound. Rantaro gently took off the other side of the ropes too from the chair. Once Ouma was fully untied, his numb wrists was starting to feel better. Ouma jumped out of his chair and stepped back. Their facial expressions refused to change as the two, Saihara and Amami, started to trudge towards him. Stepping further down, he felt himself sweating. His back collided to the wall, paling knowing he had nowhere else to run to. He leaned down against the wall as Kokichi's hopelessness had gotten to him.

His arms were held up as a form of protection, his head cowering inside his own comfort as his knees were pressed against each other for warmth. But nothing came. After a while of silence, he looked back up and in front of him, Ouma gulped. Shuichi and Rantaro hadn't moved at all, just blankly stared at him. Kokichi was practically being towered over, curled up in a ball against the wall as the two stood still, giving him no access to run. Shuichi's gun was in his hand, Rantaro's knife was also in his grip before he placed it down. The other male placed the gun back too but didn't seem completely ready to abandon it. "...Ours." The detective muttered audibly. Pulling his arms a bit lower, Kokichi looked into Shuichi's eyes and asked hesitantly, "O-Ours?" Unexpectedly, Rantaro replied, "Ours." As though it were the final answer. Suddenly, Kokichi jumped at the sudden contact. He felt arms wrap around his waist as hands reached up towards his waist, reaching up to hi- "Stop!" Ouma yelled out with his cheeks red. His arms were trapped thanks to Amami's tight grip around his waist and arms and Sahara's hands exploring his lower body. Feeling violated and dominated over, Kokichi shook his head profoundly before 'anything' got out of hand. "W-Why?! J-Just stop! Let g-"

"Ours." The two said in union, pausing for a moment. The colour drained from Ouma's face. At this point, he knew there was nothing he could do. He was trapped. "Nee-hee-hee..." The smaller said pitifully as he looked down onto the ground. "I-I'm yours." He bit his lip and decided to finally accept the fact...

The fact that two 'normal' looking people had somehow crossed his path. Corrupting the smaller's life. Forever.

"Don't think I didn't see what you did there with Kokichi yesterday, that picture..." 

"Let's play a game." To signal that he was listening, Saihara's attention remained. "It's called... 'Catch the Kitten.' Meaning Kokichi."

"It's impressive how you've gone that far with keeping Ouma by your side simply by a photo, but I think I can do better than that."

"This might end up with a few... Scratches. Don't you think?" Shuichi whispered to Rantaro, holding an evil glint in his eye. "I could say the same for you."

Holding deadly desires for one small boy, lovesickness was finally taking its toll.

"Say... Have you ever had your head smashed against a toilet stool before it was shoved down?"

Blackmail. It's not enough. And here the detective thought that was all he needed to make the boy his. As a close familiar friend jumps in, with splattered hands covered with the same red liquid painted on the kitten's body at this moment. His violet eyes wide with fear, and the detective simply gazing at him with empty eyes. The one who held the knife finally allowed his smile to slip.

Raising the bloodied head upwards, Rantaro smashed it against the sink as blood splatters decorated the floor including the walls.

And even though the two lovesick males held the same deadly desires for one small boy,

Both controlled by lovesickness and the urge to get rid of one another,

The two did have one thing they could agree on.

Amami chuckled with an empty smile with his eyes filled with a mysterious gaze, "I guess in the end..." Saihara's attention never disappeared off of what he claimed as 'his', as the detective finished the sentence off for him...

"Blackmail was never enough."

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