Discrete Jealousy

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Fiddling with his hands, the cuffs around Kokichi felt as though they became tighter and tighter. "These idiots are too fucking stupid..." Saihara murmured under his breath, making sure it was inaudible for Ouma to hear. The boy had gone missing, the news was everywhere and it had only been about two days. Of course, Kokichi had no idea about this information. The two, Amami and Saihara, agreed to keep it hidden from the smaller male as they didn't want him to become overwhelmed or panicked. The police were too oblivious to the truth which he found rather amusing. Turning away from his phone, Shuichi quickly placed on a smile and said, "Kokichi~" He rushed up to him and sat by him on the bed, pulling the male closer to him. "Do you wanna do anything, or are you going to just sit there the entire time?" Shuichi frowned in displeasure, "..." Not responding, the detective had noticed the lack of interaction Kokichi had attempted towards him. Even Rantaro. It were as though he would only speak when spoken to.

Hugging Ouma's waist tightly, Shuichi's smile returned as soon as he caught a small reaction out of the smaller male. A visible blush was spread across his cheeks in which Saihara smirked unconsciously. Leaning against Kokichi's ear, he whispered seductively, "I love yo-"

The door slammed wide open, as it revealed Amami giving Saihara a smug look. "Kokichi, come with me for a minute..." Shuichi tightened his grip around the confused flustered male whilst glaring at Rantaro. "Sorry, but I think we were in the middle of something." He shrugged, "Unfortunately, I really don't care." Taking a few steps towards the two, Rantaro grabbed onto Kokichi's arm. For a moment, Ouma missed the warmth Shuichi had given him. Only due to the fact that Saihara actually made Kokichi feel safe, even during those times where he had... 'Forced' him to do certain things. Reaching out for Ouma, the detective stopped himself. He knew Rantaro would've taken him in the end anyways so all Saihara had to do was wait until Amami was done with whatever they were 'talking' about. He frowned, "You better not touch him." Kokichi, who was perplexed and slightly fearful during the entire time, shuddered at those few words Shuichi had said. "I don't keep promises." His smile never faltered, Amami knew what he was doing. And he was enjoying the small taunting he was giving Saihara. Ouma's pleading look remained as he silently begged Shuichi to stay. Clenching his fists, Shuichi did everything he could to hold himself back before he could retrieve back what was 'his'.

"Actually..." Shuichi looked up at Rantaro with an annoyed look due to the fact that he didn't want to deal with him any longer, "Stay here, Kokichi." Walking towards the detective, he grabbed his arm and pulled him along. Of course, Shuichi was even more frustrated and confused by the male's actions but was quickly silent as Amami spoke. "...I know that you can't keep up this act of trying to win him over, even after two days." About to speak up, Rantaro cut him off, "I am too."

A few hours later...

Resting on the bed, Kokichi looked up at the ceiling with a mix of emotions. There was no expression on his face, it was just blank. He was confused as to how this had ever happened, and why so suddenly? Jumping in surprise, the door barged open. Stepping in was Rantaro-kun smiling down at Kokichi before he took a moment to pause and stare down at him. Clearly deeply in thought, Ouma was confused by his actions as he hadn't said anything. About to question him, colour was drained from Kokichi's face. "I think we need more ropes."

Don't I already have handcuffs?!

Before Amami could do anything more, luckily Saihara walked in with a plate of food for Ouma-kun. The smile on his face was rather big considering how much affection he felt for Kokichi. "Kokichi!" Coming closer to him, he ignored Amami and sat by him. The smaller male noticed a visible blush on the detectives cheeks which was slightly odd. But ever since Ouma's came here, he's been doing it non-stop. Taking out a spoon, he scooped up his meal and lifted it closer to the purplenette. "C'mon! Say, ah~" Kokichi was taken aback by his actions, not really knowing what to do. So he slowly opened up his mouth before pulling away and shaking his head. "I-I'm not going to eat whatever you guys g-give me." He frowned at Saihara, simply refusing the food in case it were drugged. And it felt as though they were treating him like a baby. "I think maybe he just doesn't like who's feeding it to him." Rantaro commented as Shuichi finally acknowledged his existence. "What?" He glared at him. Amami snatched the spoon from him as he stuffed it in his mouth.

"That was Kokichi's food!" Shuichi yelled, yet the other male didn't respond as he quickly grabbed onto Kokichi and quickly latched his lips onto his. "Mph!" Ouma jumped in surprise whilst accidentally opening his mouth. Suddenly, Shuichi reached for the plate in an instant and smashed the plate onto Amami's head. Swallowing the food, Kokichi was prepared to scream as the blood dripped from his head. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The detective yelled at the other male who was still conscious. Instead, he simply chuckled under his breath and gave Saihara an unsettling expression. "Because he's mine, of course." Standing up from his spot, Amami smirked at the flustered Kokichi as he gave Shuichi one last look before leaving to go treat his small wound.

"Are you okay, Kokichi?" The bluenette asked the smaller, giving him a concerned look as though he was the one who got hurt. "I-I..." Unaware of what to say, Shuichi simply sighed. "That fucking pervert, its taking me every ounce not to kill him..." He quickly added, "But I know he wants me dead too." Nodding hesitantly, Saihara quickly went back to smiling as he reached for the spoon. "I'll get another spoon for you to eat, I'm not having you share the same saliva as him again."

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