Bloodied Hands

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TW WARNING: Blood + Gore

Kokichi stared outside the window, refusing to glance out the door whilst hoping for Rantaro to arrive. The only reason why Kokichi walked to school with Shuichi is due to the fact that he didn't want to feel alone. Tears threatened to spill, yet he had to hold it in before anyone else could see it. "Hey, where's your boyfriend at?" Turning his head, he faced Kaede with an annoyed expression. "Awh, is someone jealous?" She growled at him before smirking once again, "Did you guys break up? Hmm, I wonder why." She laughed out loud before she said, "I didn't think Amami-Kun would take my advice, so he isn't as stupid as I thought he was!" At this point, many heard the conversation as it wasn't only Akumatsu laughing at this topic. As the teacher walked in, she was prepared to greet the class before Kokichi muttered under his breath, "Stupid bitch." Kaede quickly got up from her chair. "The fuck did you just call me?!"
"Um, excuse me! You two, principles office."

Sitting on the wooden chairs, both Kokichi and the female contained annoyed expressions. "Alright then, I guess I'll let you both of just this time seeing as it is the first. But if this ever happens again, then-" Kaede quickly shut him up by giving him a glare which signalled that she already understood. Opening the door, the two left as they were now walking alongside each other. The pianist, who still held a grudge against him, grabbed him by the arm unexpectedly. "You stupid fuck!" Kokichi blinked in confusion, surprised at her sudden outburst as he found himself being dragged to the old bathrooms. Considering that they held no cameras in that area, many would use it as a chance to skip class around that area. But luckily for the both of them, no one was there to witnesses the scene. Swinging open the door, she pushed Kokichi onto the ground thanks to his small form. He winced in pain as Akumatsu stepped towards him, ready to- "What's going on?" The two turned their heads, facing the male in the doorway. "Ah, S-S-Shuichi...! I didn't know that you were skipping too." She awkwardly laughed, scratching her neck whilst secretly despising Kokichi. "...I asked what happened." Shuichi repeated, stepping inside the abandoned bathrooms. "W-Well, um, Kokichi and I wanted to skip together!" Ouma-Kun nodded along with her as he didn't want any consequences to follow along. Shuichi was doubtful of this, and Kaede could tell, but he walked towards Kokichi and took his hand. "You should go to class, I don't want you to get into trouble."

The purple headed was confused by his actions yet nodded and stood up from his spot, heading back to class again. Something told Kokichi to stay with the pair, yet he ignored it and continued trudging along. As for Kaede, she turned around to face Shuichi. "Ugh, the fuck? Seriously, why'd you let him slip out of my hands?" Walking towards her, he said, "We're not friends, so why should I even support you with this shit?" Kaede was well familiar with this version of Shuichi as he was able to take off his mask around her, perhaps it's due to her personality or maybe her trait to not spread it to anyone. But that didn't mean that they were close friends. The pianist saw him as someone who thought she was easy to toy with, whilst she saw him as a facade. She indeed found it interesting from the way he acted around others compared to her. "Say... Have you ever had your head smashed against a toilet stool before it was shoved down?" Giving him an annoyed look, she questioned him whether he was joking. "Seriously? Hah. Very funny, now go fuck yourself. And I forgot to mention that Rantaro didn't accept your offe- mph?!"


"I'm guessing that the situation was solved, Ouma?" Nodding his head at her, Kokichi sat in his desk whilst still noticing that Amami-Kun still wasn't here. Where is he?

"Also, where's Kaede? I thought she was supposed to come with you?" The teacher gave a stern look towards the smaller, "Bathrooms." He stated, making sure not to mention the abandoned ones.

Raising the bloodied head upwards, Rantaro smashed it against the sink as blood splatters decorated the floor including the walls. Amami's eyes were dead, filled with no emotion whatsoever. Swinging the head into the air, it bounced onto the ground as his body was lifeless. Not only was the man soaked in blood, but also was stuffed into the toilet as his need for oxygen was ignored. "It's funny how you beg for mercy, yet refuse to give it to your son..." He muttered to the dead body, kicking it to double check whether it was alive or not. "Ah, so you really are dead. What a shame..." Amami-Kun turned around from the the man as he held no remorse for him.

New Message
From: Rantaro

"Let's meet up after school behind the building."

"Good to see you here, Saihara-Kun." He smirked at the male, the detective giving no sign of a friendly gesture. "I've already made progress, you know..." Shuichi quickly laughed, "Pathetic! You've made progress?! I can promise you that I've done much more." He continued, "So tell me... What is this so-called, 'progress' you've done for the game?"
"Well, you did inform me about Ouma-Kun's father." Immediately understanding what he had meant, he smiled at him. "Really? I'm guessing that you got... 'Rid' of him?" He joked. Expecting for the other male to shake his head, he did the exact opposite. "I can assure you, he's gone. Permanently." Saihara smirked as his eyes seeming hid a red tint, "We both got our hands messy today, huh? Even the pianist never saw it coming." Rantaro was confused for a split second before he smiled. "Heh, so we did each other a favour. I guess neither of us got closer to Ouma, now did we?" The detective laughed at him. "Sorry, what? Last time I checked, he came crying to my door and stayed the night." Shuichi smirked at him, Amami was taken aback. Somewhat jealous yet guilty at the same time, "Do you mind telling me as to why you suddenly left the boy? Because if you fuck with him one more time, I'll make sure you never see the light of day." He gave Rantaro a threatening look. "Calm down," He now held a serious expression, "The only reason why I did that was so I can be less suspicious around the police. Of course they're going to ask everyone Kokichi knows about his father."
"...You knew this whole time?" Rantaro muttered out a, 'huh?' As Saihara walked towards him. "Before we started this stupid game, you quit being friends with what was mine and later killed him off during our game...!" If only looks could kill, Saihara was beyond furious at this point. "Mhm, sure I knew. But I didn't know how serious it was until you told me about the abuse." The detective paused as Amami clearly wasn't finished. "I thought it was emotional abuse considering how Ouma-Kun spoke about it, but of course I had to kill him off after you told me about the physical part." Pushing his face closer to his, Saihara whispered, "Well then, I guess I'll have to get physical with you soon." Amami smiled hauntingly. "Not before I kill you first."

Opening his door, Kokichi was greeted to a pungent smell. "Gross, did he puke again or some shit?" He whispered to himself, fearing his father may hear him. Walking inside, Kokichi was about to rush upstairs before the man could hear him until a pool of blood leaking from out the bathroom snapped him out of his thoughts. "...Dad?"

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