Me or Him

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"Hey... Kokichi?" His hushed seductive voice rang through the smaller males ears, "Can you make sure to never leave me again?" Saihara smiled down at him as his hand made circles around his thigh area, before lifting it upwards. My face became red at the sight of his lovesick expression. "I-I wont." I managed to spit out. "You promise?" Saihara's soft whisper still remained as he leaned closer to my lips, "...P-Promise." I said before our lips connecte-

I woke up in a jerk as I was gasping for breath. Looking around, I pulled my arms to move before I suddenly realised- 'Rope?!' My legs were also tied down to a wooden chair. It still looked like midnight as it was all darkness, but I could tell that it was about to be around two in the morning. Wait, when did I even go to sleep...? Wasn't it seven in the afternoon? And why did I dream of Shuichi of all people... "I-I'll show you later, Kokichi..." Before rushing out ... Huh, it's been a while since Shuichi has even spoken with Kokichi or 'hung out' with him. He must've been busy, but with what? And, was this his idea?! I pulled against the rope with the gag around my mouth bothering me every second. B-But the last person he saw... How? Wouldn't have Rantaro stopped him?! Pulling even harder, my wrists were starting to numb as my already-blinded vision of the darkness was becoming blurred by my tears. Where am I? This place is so unrecognisable! Someone... Someone save me, please.

"Ah... You're awake, Kokichi." Looking up in fear, if it weren't for the gag, my mouth would've opened in shock. In front of me was Rantaro with a small candle in his hand. Placing the candle down onto the desk in the corner of the room, he walked up towards me with a sly smile. "You know I love you, so do you mind staying like this for a little bit?" He said, referring to my tied up state. Tilting my head in confusion whilst my eyes displayed fear and anger, Rantaro still kept up his calm smirk. "Catch the kitten..." He started off, my hand twitched from feeling tense. The game. "Saihara and I aren't going to be playing this game forever, you know." He warned, "He almost got rid of me." Rantaro's smile faltered to disappointment. "With you here, you'll help me, right?" He leaned down to reach my height. I refused to respond, my body shaking and biting my bottom lip. 

Before I could even give him a small response, even with this gag on, I heard a loud bang from the right side of me. Perhaps the exit of wherever I am? Wait... Am I in the basement? But Amami never told me abo- "Fuck! How did he..." Rantaro cursed under his breath as his direction was snatched to face the right side of me. The banging grew even louder and before walking off, Rantaro lifted his finger up towards his mouth as an attempt to hush me. He switched off the lights and suddenly, it was silent. All I saw was darkness until the door upstairs was opened, revealing light and Shuichi Saihara. The male looked cautious and frustrated, "Thats it, Amami... I will kill you." He spoke with complete spite. I frowned. I have never seen this side of him. Should I be afraid? Of course I should! Don't be an idiot. As he walked down stairs, I thought he was going to put himself at pure risk. It was dark,  Rantaro was hiding and he didn't even know I was down her- "Kokichi?" I paused. A wave of relief hit me, 'He was looking for me...' 

The feeling of relief disappeared once I noticed the gun hiding in his black jacket. 

Deciding not to call for the male to find me, Shuichi took out his flashlight. "I can't even find the damn light switch... Where are you Kokichi? Amami?" At the bottom of the stairs, he turned with his flashlight to look at me as his eyes widened with surprise. "Kokichi!" He squealed and ran up to me, happy to see me but also horrified about what had happened. Shuichi tried to untie me but decided to reach for the gag on m- "It's over, Shuichi Saihara." He paused, removing his grip from me before slowly turning around to face Rantaro Amami. The two of them were still, simply staring at each other with the weapon in front of both of their faces. The long knife pointing towards Shuichi's face as the handle was gripped onto Rantaro's hand. I quickly muffled a scream, begging them not to do anything with sweat trickling down my forehead. 

Instead of actually stabbing them, I heard the two whispering but was unable to hear what they were saying. After that long moment, the two turned to face me as I felt Shuichi take off the gag. "Mph! H-Hey, p-p-please don't hurt hi-"

"Who do you choose?" Rantaro said with his voice in a monotone state. I froze, my face became even more paler. "W-Who do I... What?" I whispered with pure fear whilst I was unable to make up correct sentences. "Catch the kitten, the game." Shuichi said with a dead expression, his eyes showing nothing but emptiness. "Me..." Amami said, his knife still in his grip,

"Or him." 

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