According to Plan

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Kokichi was a confused mess. What was he supposed to do? He was in between the males, Amami and Saihara. Yet oddly enough, he felt safer nearby Saihara. Unlike Amami, who made him feel like he'd regret sticking with the detective if he didn't stay with him. Kokichi clutched his head in annoyance and groaned as he fell back into the bedsheets. It was slightly scary to even be living with them, all he heard was fighting and arguing from the outside of the door he was hiding behind. He hated leaving the room, thats why Shuichi or Rantaro always walked in first. Kokichi's head perked up at the sound of the door, "Hey, Ouma..." It was Rantaro. "Um, both Saihara and I need to leave soon. He's already left a while ago," He said as though nothing had happened earlier, "I'll be leaving now too. Just wanted to let you know that I've locked this door so..." Behind the door revealed a pale green-headed male leaning against the door. His eyes looking dead along with his clenched fist, a blood thirsty aura emitted around him. "I just... I just wanted to say sorry." Rantaro choked out. He sensed a sadness within his tone, as Ouma's guard started to lower done.

"I-I... All of the things I did. I forced myself onto you b-because I didn't think that you'd ever want me back." Funny enough, the guy made it seem like the two had broken up. But Kokichi felt solemn at how their friendship quickly discarded by the cause of pressure from everyone around him. Its not like his reputation was very good, and Ouma was pulling him down from that high status. Rantaro sighed, "I was just so desperate and scared, I wanted to have you. With Saihara in the picture, I figured everything was against me." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I ended the friendship, but managed got an extreme idea to do all of this to you. And bring Shuichi into this." Kokichi raised his eyebrow, he was sure that Shuichi would be the type to happily agree or just do it on his own if no one asked. The guy blackmailed him after all. And after all this speaking, Rantaro still rested behind the door, leaning his forehead onto it with a smile plastered onto his face. "I know you probably don't forgive me, but I hope you know that I really am sorry." Stepping away from the door, Amami knew that his plan had worked.

"W-Wait, Rantaro!" Kokichi called out for him. Faking a, "Huh?" Ouma frowned. "C-Can you come inside? I want to talk to you..." It was silent for a moment but the door soon opened to show a male with a noticeable mark around his neck. Kokichi didn't hide his concern, his face expressed the horror of his shock. He didn't expect it to be so bad since Ouma never saw how bad Shuichi had hurt Amami. But he simply just frowned and asked, "Why...?" Looking down, Rantaro replied, "Why what?" He said with a whisper. Slowly approaching the smaller, he sat down beside Ouma and listened to what the boy said. "Why do you guys a-always fight?" Rantaro held an innocent and understanding look, but the male was completely satisfied. Taking his chin, he turned Kokichi to look at him. "Because it's competition for you, silly." He softly smiled whilst poking at Ouma's chest. Then he looked down with a faltered look and sighed, "...You must feel safer around Shuichi, right? Thats fine, I guess. If you really want him, then go ahead." Kokichi grabbed his shoulders and shook the taller male. "No! No, no, no! You guys are both freaks, but I like you more...! 

"H-He just seemed less dangerous then you..." Kokichi whispered. 'Y-You're my b-best friend, of course I like you more, stupid... But I hate it when you suddenly show me a different side to you where you creep me out and t-touch me like that." Tears were already pouring down his face, and Amami quickly allowed his facade to slip. "...You really feel that way about me?" He questioned back hesitantly in a whisper. "Tch, I've always liked you! E-Everyone just didn't like me, though." He referred back to the people from school. The sadistic version of Amami disappeared almost out of nowhere. Sadness and love crawled into his heart as he quickly grabbed Ouma, surprising the boy, and placed him into a hug. The two hadn't realised that the door creaked open, Saihara had heard everything. He knew by leaving the both, something would happen. But he didn't think that they would suddenly kiss and make up.

Biting his nail, Shuichi thought to himself, "Shit... This is going to be a lot harder than I thought, huh?" 

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