Tiny Mistake

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Opening the classroom door, Kokichi had realised that it was early at this point in the morning. Perhaps the only reason why he had came was due to the fact that he wanted to stay as far away as possible from Shuichi. Stepping inside, he walked towards his desk before placing himself within the oak chair. Having nothing better to do, he peeked out the window and admired the tranquil setting. There was barely anyone outside, only a few people who dared to come inside. Before he knew it, the classroom slowly started to fill up before it was his teacher that had finally arrived. "Good morning class!" A women smiled cheerfully, expecting everyone else to respond, yet it was dead silent. "I-I see... Well anyways, we'll be working on a few activities today." The voice of the teacher made Kokichi want to gag, the only time he heard her voice was during the worst moments he wanted to live. Meaning, class.

"Amami, you're late!" His ears perked up upon noticing a green-headed male scratching his head nervously, "S-Sorry, miss... I had forgotten a few things." The teacher nodded as she still felt slightly dissatisfied but chose to move on. "Alright then, take a seat." He nodded at her before he quickly waved at Ouma with a small smile discreetly. The smaller male felt his senses coming back as he waved back, knowing he didn't have to go through class alone.
"Why are you leaving so early?" Shuichi asked, clearly noticing that Kokichi hadn't eaten breakfast just yet. "...I-I don't want to be late!" He replied nervously. "There's only thirty minutes before school, surely your not in a hurry?" He asked as his expression darkened, noticing the males small lie. "I promised Amami I would meet him early, h-he said he wanted to speak to me about something..."

Saihara squinted his eyes at Amami, feeling a strong sense of suspicion. As he witnessed the male entering his classroom, Saihara decided to head back to his destination, pushing this info into the back of his mind for later.
Kaede jumped as she looked up from her food, "W-What?! Geez, Shuichi!" She almost panicked. The male removed his hand from the table after slamming it next to her. "Let's talk." The female was tempted to say no, yet quickly shut her mouth upon viewing his expression. "...Alright, then."

Shuichi handed her a bottle, "Here. Rantaro left this bottle behind, I have different classes yet you guys are in the same classroom." Kaede sighed, "And you couldn't have gone to search for him now?" The detective shrugged. "Do you know where he is currently?" For a moment, it was silent before the pianist reluctantly agreed. "Fine then." She turned away from Shuichi, walking out from behind the school and heading back inside. As the detective peeked out from behind the wall, the girl was gone. Shuichi looked down at his hands and took off his gloves.

"Hey, Kokichi... Can we talk for a bit?" He looked up to place his attention back onto Rantaro, "Mhm! What's up? You ready to confess your undying love to me?" Ouma joked as I giggled. Often, he'd laugh along. Yet this time, he refused to even show a smile. Ouma was confused but shrugged it off. "...I-I think we should stop hanging out together." He hesitantly muttered out to the smaller male, "What...?" Kokichi questioned him as disbelief covered his face. "S-Sorry, Ouma but..."
"Why?" Kokichi cut him off. He didn't reply, Amami-kun looked as though he were feeling guilt but didn't say anything. "I-Is it because of Kaede?" Ouma spoke up. He looked surprised as he shook his head at him. "No! No, of course not-"
"I saw you two." He frowned at Amami. Once again, it was quiet as it soon was the smaller male to speak up once more. "I'm guessing she just made fun of you for hanging out with me, is that right?" Rantaro looked as though he wanted to deny it, yet it was clear that it was indeed true. "I'm sorry, Kokichi..." Instead of responding, Ouma turned around and started walking to where he was headed. "W-Wait! Where are you going?" Kokichi ignored him, after all... Rantaro did want to stop seeing him, didn't he?

Suddenly, the male was snapped out of his thoughts upon a phone buzz. Taking out his phone, he saw that the message was from his father. Frowning, he knew he had to get home quick, so Kokichi rushed on his feet and tried his best to arrive early.

"Aren't you going to take your water bottle?" Kaede asked Rantaro. He shook her head at her, "It's not mines." She frowned at him. "I literally saw you have it this morning." The male quickly replied, "And Shuichi found it? You can keep my bottle, I don't need it." The pianist growled as she threw it into the bin. "I don't need it, dumbass. By the way, your such a weirdo hanging around Kokichi." Kaede snarled at Rantaro, feeling disgusted of the male. "I don't necessarily care, but I-" He paused as soon as he saw a shadow behind the wall, In which they quickly rushed to hide themselves. Kaede tilted her head at him, "You really are weird, too bad. It would've been nice if we got to know each other." Was the last thing she had said before she turned around to walk away. As soon as Shuichi had heard this, he too decided to part ways. "Why the fuck did that pianist have to tell him it was me?!" He growled, "Guess I'll have to use someone else next time."

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