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Amami continued to keep an eye on Saihara. The male gave off very suspicious vibes, and he wasn't lashing out on him as usual. Was it because of the threat Rantaro had made yesterday? Or was it because of something else...? Shrugging it off, he ushered to Ouma's 'room' and knocked with a small smile. "H-Hey, Kokichi?" He accidentally trembled from behind the door, "...You awake?" With no response, the male smirked at the memory of handing the smaller boy a cup of water. If only he knew what was in it. Lately, Ouma has been drifting from Amami for these past few days. I mean, only three days... But it was still suspicious as that was the same amount of time when Saihara had started to act oddly. When Rantaro came in last time, and then he saw the other male exit Kokichi's room.... Clutching onto his knife from behind, he knew it was time to end things with Shuichi before anything got out of hand. Silently stepping towards the guest room Shuichi was sleeping in, Rantaro had actually offered him the guest room the first time they had made up the plan. But only recently did he stop sleeping on the couch and moved into the guest room.

Maybe to keep eyes on the front door? Amami thought to himself. Taking out his key, he figured that the detective would have locked the door purposefully, so he knew it'd be best to use his own. About to open the door with it, suddenly, Amami noticed that the door was already unlocked. Stepping toward the bed, it looked like someone was sleeping inside... "Shuichi Saihara." Spite slid off Rantaro's tongue before an evil smirk slipped onto his face as he raised the knife on top of the bed. Pulling the knife down onto the sleeping figure, his breath hitched as soon as the knife went throu- "The pillows?!" Just then... Rantaro knew, that inside held no one. Where did Shuichi go? Lowering the knife, he felt odd. Something was wrong. Very wrong. The pit in his stomach refused to go away, and so did the male hiding behind Amami with a bat. 


Tuning around in an instant, Rantaro held the bat tight whilst accidentally dropping the knife. Kneeling to his crotch, this gave Shuichi a chance to retrieve back his weapon. The two both held a very strange glint in their eye, the urge to kill. 'But only one of them wasn't planning on it.' Saihara thought to himself as the camera in the corner of his eye shot the two males who merely appeared as shadows. It was good that Shuichi could cover up his identity through the dark, but Amami was the most clearest to see. Amami reached for his knife and swung at Saihara before the detective confused Rantaro. Shuichi fell to the ground, limp. With no wounds and completely still. "...Shuichi?" He couldn't see through the dark whether or not he had stabbed him, but the look of ecstasy covered his face as he smirked. Kneeling down, he whispered... "I win." Swinging his bat up above the male on top of him, Rantaro was too slow to react before he turned around an-

A loud thud was heard. Standing up, Shuichi kicked his body to double check that he was out. A pleased smile slid onto his face before he walked up towards the hidden camera, pausing the footage and planned on trimming the end part later. It had to look like the victim was battling the killer before he fell limp from a knife wound. Scrolling to the end part, Shuichi cut out the part where he hit Rantaro back and stood up after being 'stabbed'. Good thing the camera was on night mode, because if not, then the police wouldn't have been able to recognise Saihara. But what Rantaro didn't realise was that he was wearing mainly black clothes, gloves, and Shuichi's dark hair managed to fade into the darkness. So his identity was practically hidden from the camera. Turning around to face Rantaro again, his face was drained of colour once he noticed that the male was gone. I mean... All he needed was the footage, right? Speaking of the camera, Rantaro must've seen it in his hands.

Jumping out of the window, Saihara wasn't planning on going through the door from the guest room because Amami could have been waiting for him outside. With another weapon. Good thing the detective took his knife, it was going to be used as evidence at the investigation. And good thing the guy had his uncle, who worked with the law enforcement and usually told him everything that happened. As time passed by... The pungent smell filled the room, the new body deceased and rotten. Placing the camera down beside the body, Shuichi dialled the number and was ready to press the call button before suddenly-

"...A text?" Shuichi frowned at the suspicious atmosphere that Rantaro had created. Pressing onto Amami's message, the detective growled whilst clenching his fist in pure anger. 

'Get rid of the footage, or I'll make sure the boy really is mine.'

...Was he threatening Saihara that he was going to put Kokichi elsewhere for the detective to be clueless about?

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