Happy or Horrified?

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I blankly spaced off, feeling almost dead on the inside. "Excuse me, Ouma?" I looked up as an officer smiled heartwarmingly my at me, "Come with me, please." She directed me towards the door as she soon opened it for me. I noticed the pitiful look on her face but chose not to comment on it. I noticed a detective sitting in a chair as he gave me a soft expression. "Please sit down, Ouma." I nodded whilst frowning, 'As if I wasn't planning to do that.' Sitting down, I looked up at him expecting questions to come fly at me. I saw the tissues on the side just in case I had needed them, but I wasn't going to use them any time soon. "...I'd like to speak of the death of your father." I nodded, still waiting for him to get to the point. "I am a detective, Kenji Saihara, and I'm here to make sure that we find the culprit of this murder."
"I'll make sure to bring your father to justice, Koki-"
"Did you say, 'Saihara'? As in, Shuichi Saihara?" I swiftly cut him off. He paused for a moment before nodding, "Y-Yes? Do you go to his school?" I nodded with a blank expression. I didn't want to speak to someone related to Shuichi, out of all people. "Ah, well I'm Shuichi's uncle, good to meet you." He shook my hand, the serious expression quickly flipped back. "Anyways, speaking of your father, do you know anyone that could have held a grudge against the man?" I shook my head before I suddenly paused. "W-Well, um..." Saihara's uncle nodded at me, curious for what I had to say. "I don't really know the man, he probably did have many people but..." I shrugged my shoulders. He quickly wrote all of this on a piece of paper before looking back up at me. "And what makes you think that?" I was silent, I didn't know what else to say so I shrugged once more. "Dunno, he just had a short temper." Writing it down, the detective thanked me. As time passed by, he seemed pleased with the little information he had gained. Before I could leave, he quickly asked me one last question. "Say, do you have anyone else to live with?" I shook my head, the only reason why I cared so badly about my fathers death was due to the fact that I didn't want to lose the house nor be the next victim. If I was there the same time my father was slaughtered...

I would have been nex-

"You said you know my nephew Shuichi, correct?" I nodded, "Uh, yeah?" He smiled softly at me. "I could speak to him and arrange for you to live there, well, temporarily if you'd like." About to say no, I suddenly remembered that I had no one else to go to. Not even Rantaro. My family practically cut all ties with my father for obvious reasons, and Saihara seems slightly fond of me.

Maybe it won't be so bad?

"Y-Yes, please... I'd like that."

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