Authors note

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Any ideas or prompts will be welcome. As I am running out of ideas.  I will not promise I will use them but they will be greatly considered. Station 19 season 4 has just started airing in the UK last week (March 31st) and I haven't seen it yet because of family issues. But I am so excited to be catching up with American folk as oddly enough most of my readers are from America who knew.

I will be limited on plot lines pre-season 3 because I only just was allowed to start watching station 19 as season 3 came out and in the UK seasons 1 and 2 aren't available (I don't think) anymore.

As always if you spot any spelling, grammar or context mistakes please point them out. 

I want to get others involved with the finished result. If you are reading through and are thinking 'know what would really work here' or 'It would be much more ____ if she put this there instead of this,' please comment these ideas. I know from experience how this feeling can get annoying.

See you reader dreckly with the next part. Crystal Heart 💙

(Dreckly is a real word I swear, you find it spoken in Kernow)

Edit: how would a one shot where we look at certain parts of the past, personal life and the dynamics of 19 from Maya's point of view? It will include a plot line of Maya battling anorexia. I just want to see if anyone was interested before I actually started writing it. 

It might not be out for a while as my hands won't stop twitching/shaking long enough for me to actually type anything substantial. It's my own fault and I swear I am alright. But it's starting to get annoying.

Edit 2: April 16th and I am finally watching the first three episodes of station 19 with my family!!

Station 19 one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now