April 14th

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At 11.40pm on Sunday 14 April 1912, 109 years ago, the Titanic was just four days into its first voyage when it struck an iceberg. With her sinking she took almost 1500 people to there graves including 58 of the 120 children on board. The acts of heroism, friendship and loyalty saved the few that did survive. Many sad stories fill the history books. Some of my favourites (though tragic they are) are those of The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Hellen Loraine Allison, she was the only first class child to perish, Sydney Goodwin aka the Unknown Child and Isidor and Rosalie Straus. Each have there own unique and terrifying experience some never got the chance to tell theres.

May none of those who died be forgotten. R.I.P Titanic and all who sailed with her.

Edit: there will be a station 19 story here in the future it's just not finished and the Titanic tragedy is something I hold near and dear to my heart

April 14th so much happened then. Andy last saw her mother's family and maybe 20 years later got married. But the 14th of April meant something else to her, somewhere far back in her lineage was a Titanic survivor that saved dozens but her name was somehow left of the history books. April 14th was the day the doomed ship sank to it's watery grave. 

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