╸ten : the party pooper

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❝ the party pooper ❞

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the party pooper

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Nari is curious— Zuko has had a reoccurring tendency to disappear into thin air, something he seldom does. Now, however, Nari can't seem to catch the boy or figure out where he's fled to. This ship is only so big, after all.

Now, when 'reoccurring' is used, it's only truly been done once, while they were at port the other night. Yet, it's still strange that the prince so quietly slips from the boat. Usually, Nari or Iroh are at his side, and if not that, a by-standing guard is, yet no one knew of Zuko's absence that night.

Though she makes herself watch Iroh's Pai Sho game, taking note of his moves and advancements against his opponent, Nari will spare a stare in Zuko's direction, hard enough to flatten iron. She bites a nail, hunched in a twisted position as her back presses against the table which Iroh's playing board is resting.

Lieutenant Jee is advising Zuko to head north east, as they know the avatar is still trying to acquire a water bending master, when the shade of a much larger Fire Nation ship darkens the room.

Zuko huffs, visibly irritated. "What do they want?" He groans, scrunching up his shoulders whilst his hands curl up into fists.

Iroh rubs his hands together, a smile crossing his excited and affable face while hoping the best. "Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho!" He cheers, to which Nari quirks a smile.

"I don't think so, Iroh," She gifts back a grin, though it's lined with the slightest of pity to the older man. "A ship like that wouldn't stop by us for nothing," She jerks her head in the ship's direction, lifting her chin to emphasis such before pushing off her knees, joining Zuko's side.

It's almost comical, how the two hold such signature stances-- Nari is always to Zuko's right with her hands folded at her hips (though they press in backwards, palms facing inwards with her thumb up front), and Zuko with his shoulders tensed, arms brutally crossed over his chest. He always frowns, a resting face which could not be cleared, while Nari either radiates an intimidating glare or a snarky smirk. Either or, depending on the moment.

As Admiral Zhao's soldier's board their tinier ship, Nari decides it will be the prior. That, or she can match Zuko's ever-present growl.

The lead soldier rips open a scroll containing an inked drawing of Aang. When the parchment is stretched to it's full size, it blocks the soldier's face and torso entirely, his arms extended sharply in front of him. The pop of his sleeves sounded out in the form of a snap when he did so.

"The hunt for the avatar has been given prime importance," The soldier reports, and to such Zuko and Nari hold no surprise-- it'd been their prime, important mission for the past year, or years, for the former. "All information regarding the avatar must be directly reported to Admiral Zhao."

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