╸four : the banished

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❝ the banished  ❞

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the banished

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          NARI HAS SPENT her time wisely; she found herself joined into a new culture. A new lifestyle. Living alongside criminals, outlaws, wanted fools like herself. Allies were made, which in return only brought her to another. It was quite the twist of fate-- what she believed to be a curse, an unfair payment to the sin of a story untold, became the reuniting of someone she hasn't seen in many years. Three, to be specific.

That's not to say Nari is content with her current standing. See, she's far from it. She loathes this syrup she's stuck in.

Whilst "managing" her money at a port belonging to a small village outside the earth kingdom, Nari had backed into Zuko, the now banished prince. Time had not been kind to him, she swiftly realized, as she read the tired lines of his face, scarred by his own father. Not to mention, the boy had received a terrifying haircut-- horrid, really. Nari had never seen anything like it, but knew well that the small amount of hair that remained was sacred; the rest was shaved from his lack of honor.

She spent her lonesome year-- even as Nari joined the prince not but a couple of months ago-- gaining strength and power from her bending. She joined a smaller daofei group within the Earth Kingdom, and they brought her vitality anew. Training with benders of all types and backgrounds, she swore to an oath that bonded her to loyalty and strength, and spirits be damned, strong did she grow.

The only time which Nari hides her muscles happens to be the cooler days, as they never did her an injustice. She did not look like a weight-lifter, but she sure seemed intimidating when she stands with a gnarly glare. Her brawn is well defined. Not to mention, she's taller than Zuko and Iroh both.

A high necked and form-fitting crimson top, lined with gold which expresses the hems of the shirt, cuts off at her shoulders. During times in which her arms will prickle with goosebumps, Nari sports a black long sleeve undershirt that stretches down to her middle knuckle in a clean cut. The red top sports a belt and from it, three pleats at its bottom, only falling to her mid-thigh. There are two splits at the front, each cutting to their point at the inwards top of her hip bones and leaving a gap between the next pleat. How they are spaced leaves her legs to move freely as there's no restriction, and a miniature cut in the very back for extra ability. Tight black pants are paired with this, and matching boots the color of dried blood and honey climb up to her knees.

Today, however, is not a cold day. And though Nari wishes she wore her long sleeves to save her arms from the poking and probing of spare branches, she wears cuffs at her biceps and sleeves on her forearms all the same. "Zuko," Nari calls out, voice primed with the edge of irritability. "Maybe if you actually looked for Iroh, you'd find him."

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