╸twenty : the challenged

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❝ the challenged  ❞

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the challenged  

· • -- ٠ ♛ ٠ -- • ·

          A FRIGID CHILL shakes every blood vessel of Nari's body. Chruns the fire which possessed her body with life to stone, and renders her still like a mountain, and shaking like the earthquake that caused it. Ryo knows. Unless she misread his lips, the leader knows. And he won't let it go.

Not easily, at least.

Nari flinched with a breath held in her throat– she flinched– as she waited for the acidic rain to come. To pour down on soft skin before melting it to juice. The strings of tension between them tighten, played out like a violin as Ryo's tongue covers slimy teeth with a smile, watching the girl's heart push against her ribcage with a boiling-dense pause. And then he steps away.

No rain, no fire, nothing. Just... laughter?

Ryo cuts the stinging string which the two caught themselves in as he claps his hands above his head, alerting the entire barn of his newfound zeal. His narrowed eyes light up like sparks of metal against itself, face contorting into an estranged joy. "Alright!" He cheers, opening arms wide at his sides before gesturing to the area around him. "Brothers, sisters, what are you waiting for? Grab our esteemed sister and her friend some seats!" He smirks at Nari with a mature delight. "Drinks and food, while you're at it, as well. We ought to welcome Ikko home, and first impressions are of most importance!"

The room breathed before rushing back to work– fighting whoops, chasing demands, whatever the Daofei were doing previously. But with more joy.

Not enough to clear Nari from her shaking muscles, body an empty shell of static. She still holds her breath, still waits for a signal to breathe out. Looking to Tana she finds an empty answer, even if the water bender understands her words without listening. Choose your next steps carefully, the blue eyes warn, I can't promise that Ryo still considers you an ally.

Zuko notices Nari's concern just as equally, pushing at her shoulder blades to remove the nervous arch from her back. Pushes her forward, away from danger's edge. "I need to speak to Ikko," He clears his throat, his voice becoming a deep, daring rumble that rivaled Ryo's. He blurted out, however, rather unnecessarily. Like a kid who's been deprived of attention interjecting the conversation of adults, his outburst causes everyone to cranes their neck to look back at him– part of Nari is thankful for this. She needed his voice to bring her back down to earth. "In private."

Tana raises a suggestive eyebrow, as does Ryo.

"He's asking to be excused," Nari corrects through gritted teeth, sending a metaphysical elbow-jab to Tana's side with narrowed eyes while she takes this time to breathe. It's not like that, dim-wit. "We have time before the others come back with chairs and food and drinks."

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