╸seventeen : the trigger

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❝ the trigger  ❞

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the trigger 

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Nari quickly realizes Azula's plot— once Iroh and Zuko accept her deal, her vindictive decree that they're allotted to return, she'll trap them in a cell. In cuffs. The next step is to do the same with Nari.

Friendship never really mattered to Azula. It never really mattered to Nari, either. That's one thing they shared in common— the need to achieve. Competition. Being the best at being the best. Their friendship was more of a saying: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Not that Nari and Azula are enemies— were enemies— just that a friendship between them was beneficial as it helped them keep an eye on each other.

Regardless, friendship wasn't right within Azula's mind. Nari, at least, has more of a cherished aspect, of even in the slightest. She's good friends with Zuko, at least. Maybe even Mai or Ty Lee had they not broken apart so abruptly. But Nari's bond with Azula can not save her ass from prison.

She's the youngest killer in the Fire Nation, and on top of that, she's failed numerous times to apprehend Aang. What knowledgeable, meticulous, well-thought person wouldn't want her in chains?

So, with all this information squared away and tucked into the filing cabinet of her mind, Nari devises her own plot.

Hours ago, she was defiantly against joining Azula. Now, she's hell-bent on it.

Nari will stand by Azula's side, loyally, and tend to her every wish. She'll give Azula the upper hand in believing Nari is a vulnerable and weak toy for her to manipulate. And then when the time comes— whether that be the first step on the dock or many days following-- Nari will take on Azula.

Their high prowess battles each other well, and if Nari is to add a drop of more sinister motives to her bending, she can defeat Azula and recover Zuko from whatever stunt he'll find himself in. Mostly, she'll save herself.

So the girl washes up, prepping herself for the day. She splashes water onto her face in an attempt to appear more awake, making up for numerous hours of lost sleep, before tending to the rest of her morning duties. Brushing and styling hair, correcting an outfit, all of the boring stuff.

Nari now waits for Azula to call on her, sitting exactly where she was found yesterday. Her toes swing above the water, hands holding her weight as they stretch out behind her. Nari narrows her eyes to the fleet of ships that rest in the waters, gold stretched into thin lines as she listens for Azula's footsteps against the dock.

They're menacing and draining. Similar to a conversation that can be held with the girl.

Nari's breath is yanked from her lungs at Azula's new presence, a burdened sigh escaping her lips like a tar-covered rope being tugged up from her throat. Nevertheless, Nari traces her lips into a smile to greet Azula. "Hello, Princess."

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