╸fifteen : the lifeline

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— tw : description of blood / violence , death —

— tw : description of blood / violence , death —

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the lifeline

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Nari pouts like a child who's dearest toy is been ripped from chubby fingers. Currently, Hoji ties her hands up with rope after having a weaker Hika pin her to the ground.

As Hika's heel digs against the small of Nari's previously injured back, the fire bender's eyes lock to the ground, watching as ice sparkles in the heat of her breath. Fog shifts over it. "What do you two dim-wits plan on doing with me?" She spits, eyes kept on the snow which lays over the earth like a blanket, pressing against her cheek in a chilled touch. It's perfect pure whiteness stains against a crimson alike to the ribbon in her hair. "It's not like you can burn me at the stake."

Hika, despite being woozy still, jabs her heel further into Nari's back. The older girl winces while Hoji tightens the ropes rubbing against her ankles, her hands having already been tied up. "As much as we'd love that, Nari, we've got a better use for you." Hika growls.

Nari scoffs, snow freezing her lips. "Like what?" she starts, "A campfire?"

She burns the rope around her ankles and wrists which are stretched out in front of her and, consequently, Hoji's hand, making him rip it away with a yelp before bending rock-like handcuffs over rope set alight.

Hika kicks Nari away with such force that Nari rolls over completely onto her back. The air leaves her lungs with such a blunt kick, but at least she can sit up now. "No." Hika replies curtly. "Hoji, how's Katara?"

Without looking over to the girl, Hoji flips his arms around; 'still out like a light.' are the words Hika receives, as are they the words that leave Nari baffled. She can't understand the twin's secret language, so instead she pinches her brows together with a creased confusion.

Just as this is said, or really, signed, Katara's eyes snap open. Immediately, the water bender crawls around the oasis. "Aang!" She cries, desperate arms thrown around, searching for the Avatar with haste and importance. In avail, she finds no one aside from Hika, Hoji, and Nari herself. She stands with shoulders rolled, chin up, and wide eyes slashed to slivers of stabbing blue. "You." She snarls, her lip tugging up non-symmetrically to flash clenched teeth. "You and that spoiled prince! You two did this!"

"Did what?"

"You took Aang! Where is he?" Katara screams, fists balled up as they strike down behind her.

Nari arches her lips in a smile, brows pinched smoothly in question. "Aang? Pft, who's that?" She acts as though she's never even seen Aang, like some ironically sarcastic yet confound bystander, as she shrugs.

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