╸sixteen : the princess

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❝ the princess  ❞

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the princess

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          Nari loves the placid view ahead of her. Beautiful hues of pink around her blossom from shorter trees, somehow sprouting from the water underneath the resort they were fortunate to find. She has found a hot spring just outside the main building of the lovely pink and red resort, built over a waterfall with docks and such for support. Soft cherry blossoms frame the sky from any viewpoint, whether it be the hot spring she's in or the resort itself.

That earth-bending twin, Hoji, had taken a toll on her muscles; they're fight caused a stabbing and chronic ache in her back to this day. But the resort is helping to heal that.

Oh, they are fortunate are to have found this.

More realistically, what Iroh has found. He has a strange talent for finagling his way in and out of things, one of the many things Nari will never understand about him.

That's not to say she isn't grateful for it, though— much to the contrary, actually. If it weren't for Iroh's aptitude, Nari wouldn't have her injuries properly cared for. Her leg is near to completely healed, and though the pain from her back remains, the scratches and gashes among it have reduced so much she needs no bandages. All of this is very much needed, including her hot spring.

Zuko passed on any massages or spoiling— Nari knows just why, yet if she brings it up she might gather a slashing growl from him. Best not bother herself with his irritability, especially after promising herself she'd be more self-concerned.

Besides, Nari and Zuko haven't been on the most... solid... of grounds since the North Pole. The path they walk on is light ice ready to crack if any weight should fall incorrectly. Mentioning the anniversary of his banishment might just skip the scale poorly, might just cause an irreparable chasm between them.

Zuko has to be somewhere within this resort, and Nari finds herself itching to see how he's doing— usually, anniversaries are celebrated, but as far as these things go, the more years that add up, the harder it gets to manage the day.

Nari can remember the anniversary of killing Akio, of leaving, well; she didn't steal anything on the day. She didn't do anything bad. That day already has enough ashes on it, she needs not to burn it further.

But Zuko? How could he forget the day his father burned him? The day he was hurt inside and out? How could anyone?

Nari rubs her hands down her face with a sigh, warm water brushing over her skin which surely does not help her motivation towards getting out of the pool. Still, she musters herself with enough will to find Zuko and check upon him. Sure, it's unspoken she'll receive a shout, but she'd tested waters regarding being rude to Zuko.

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