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Patton gathered his courage and thoughts, he had to do this. It was one thing to have his own heart broken but he couldn't watch Logan get hurt too. After all, Remus was the one locking lip with his love.
With a shaky wrist he knocks on Logan's door.
"Enter if you must" was a particularly tired response from Logan. The logical side had done the illogical act of letting Remus choose what activities they did late last night... Anymore DnD and Logan would never sleep again.
Patton enters, shutting the door behind him. The light was off and Logan was still in bed, laying face down in the pillow. He groans, turning to see Patton, "Is it important? I'm tired is all. Remus and I had another true crime bindge last night so I haven't even gone to sleep yet..." He didn't want to tell his friend he'd spent the entire night dressed as an elf and watching his boyfriend try to fuck every obstacle thrown his way.
"Sorry Lo, but it can't wait." Logan heard the sadness in Patton's voice. He sits up, patting a place next to him. "Morality, what's the matter?"
"Janus and Remus... They... I walked in on them kissing..." Patton was close to tears again.
Logan sits, thinking it over.
"And you're sure?"
Patton gives a sad nod.
"Right... Well thank you for bringing this to my attention." Logan's words were icy and yet filled with pain. Patton decided it was best to go, but the door opened and Remus was stood in his way.
"Oh, hey Patton!"
Quiet tension got through to Remus as he saw Logan.
"What's going on?" he asks, still in the way so Patton couldn't escape.
"Did you kiss Janus?" Logan asks, his voice dripping with hurt.
"Not since we broke up, why?" he gives a confused look to Patton.
"Because I saw you and him kissing in the kitchen."
"What? No, that's impossible. I didn't kiss him and he didn't kiss me. I'm sorry but there's been a mistake."
Logan stands, let this own eyes search Remus's, "You promise?"
Remus nods, "With all my heart and anyone else's I can get my hands on."
Logan smiles, "I believe you."
Patton looks at the two with frustration and confusion, "Just like that? I saw what I saw Logan."
Logan faces Patton, "I'm sorry, but he doesn't lie, especially not to me. I'm sure there is another explanation to what you saw. What did Janus say when you talked to him about it?"
Patton chews his lip, "I didn't... I was just so... Mad... I thought he was playing me... But now... Maybe I'm the idiot..."
"Hey, mistakes happen. Just talk to him" Remus gives him a smile Patton felt he didn't deserve and he excuses himself.

Virgil was waiting with open arms, comforting him.
"I don't even know what I saw anymore. I've accused the guy I'm supposed to love of cheating and now I don't even know what is real..." He complains, obviously distraught.
Virgil chews his lip.
He couldn't sit here and let Patton question his own sanity, could he? But what about the consequences? What if Patton hates him because of what he did? What if they reject him again? What if-
" Virgil? Is everything okay?" Patton could hear Virgil's heart racing.
"um, yeah. I'm good." He lies.
"Virgil... Bottling negative emotions is bad. Please talk to me."
"I'm fine, it's just... Could you go? I'm sorry, I just-" the guilt was killing Virgil more then Patton. He'd constructed this whole situation.
"oh, yeah, kiddo, no problem. Let me know how you feel later." his smile was just a little too tight to be real.
Was he making Virgil uncomfortable too? He wondered. Probably. It's all he does. His love is a curse...
The tears in his eyes threatened to expose his slef-pitty encouraging him to speed up. He needed to get to his room. He needed to get back. He needed to to get back. He needed to-
All at once he was on the floor, his glasses knocked from his head and over him stood a figure. For a moment, through the blur of his sight it looked like Janus's clothes. Dark and elegant. His heart skipped and crushed simultaneously.
However, once he had his glasses on, he knew his hopeful heart was playing crule tricks on his brain.
"Are you alright Patton? You came out of nowhere. I'm concerned." Logan extended a hand.
Patton let himself be pulled up and leaned against the wall, Logan copied him.
"Yes. I'm fine, thank you Lo. Sorry about me talking to you earlier. I had to tell you what I saw but I was in too much hurt to think of the consequences of you and Remus. It was selfish. I'm sorry."
"Patton, you did the right thing. I just think you're mistaken or being mislead to the true events."
"Mislead?" Patton sniffles, he was close to tears still.
Logan nods, "Correct. What reason would Janus have to kiss someone else?"
"Because... Maybe he never loved me... You know how forceful I can be with my feelings and not even realise! It's not an excuse. I thought I was getting better... He was making me better... But..." now the tears did come. A storm ran down his face as he sobbed.
Logan pulled Patton in close and held him in an embrace. "Patton. You're amazing. You're so sweet and kind to everyone. Even when you don't understand other's boundaries you work to correct yourself. Janus loves you more then a frog loves water. And he loves you because you're wonderful and loveable."
"How do you know that though? He could hate me... He probably does..."
"Patton," Logan pulls away to lock eyes with his distressed friend, "He loves you. Everything is going to work out." Logan's words were filled with uncommon emotion.
Patton smiled, he believed him. He let Logan pull him into a tight hug, "Thank you Lo. Fuck, I'm a mess" he laughs, wiping his tears away.
Logan gasps, "Swearing?"
Patton gives Logan a funny look, "You know I swear when everyone else is away"
Logan nods, "Yes... However, we're in a hallway, I'm just surprised you'd risk someone hearing you."
Patton looks around, "You're right. I think it's safe at the moment though."
"You're right. And, it's well deserved. Go clean up, and take sometime to just reorganise your thoughts. None of this is your fault and I'm going to get to the bottom of it."
"Thank you Lo. I will. If... If you see Janus, tell him I'm sorry and I'll be in my room."
"I will."

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