Chapter 17

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I dont hear anything on the other end until he speaks up, "You mean I'm going to have a son?"

"Yes we are going to have a son Ryan! Why did you do this to me? I though we was good together?"

"I didn't mean to when you started getting sick I knew what was the cause and it scared me so much Alex!"

"But Ryan I loved you to death and then you leave me alone through the hardest times of my life Ryan, and how does it make you feel that some other guy is going to be raising you child?"

"If you want to know the truth Alex it makes me feel like a piece of crap and my mom and dad hate me for it they loved you Alex and when they found out they was going to grandparents they cried and after I told them what my plan was my dad didnt want nothing to do with me and told me he didnt raise his son to be this way, my mom cried and she wouldn't  look at me. Alex this was the biggest mistake of my life I wish I could take it all back but I cant I'm sorry Alex I sill love you and my child."

I couldn't say anything for a couple minutes and then I feel one single tear fall down my cheek, "Ryan I loved you from day one and I will always love you I mean we are going to have a child together. But you hurt me bad Ryan and I dont want our child to grow up not knowing his father. Jake can never replace you and this stays between me and you. I'm stuck between two people I love yall both."

"Alex I will always love you and my son to death and no other man is going to come between me, you and our son. I don't know what I was thinking when I said all them things to you and about our child. I'm sorry Alex I love you!"

I looked down at my hands and tears were falling down my face I couldn't help it. I'm confused on what I should do with my life. I can either choose some guy who has been there for me through this pregnancy, or choose the father of my child. I'm lost and have no one to turn to for advise.

"Ryan I love you and right now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place I have no clue as to what I want to do, I want to do what's best for my child. I'm going to talk to Jake about all of this before the  baby comes and I'll let you know all about it and if Jake agrees to it if you want you can come over tomorrow and see his room and my belly?"

"Yeah I would love to do that thanks for accepting my apologies and letting me be apart of my child's life sooner or later. Bye Alex text me sometime between tonight and tomorrow."

"OK I will, bye Ryan."

Now what am I suppose to do? I have never been in this type of situation and this is the time I need my mom here with me. The person I know to talk to is my dad. I hope he has some good advise for me and whatever it is I'll follow it and my heart. I put my phone on my table as I layed down to sleep I asked the God to help me through this. And at that moment I felt my son kick as like he was telling me if all else fells I've still got him. I went to sleep with a smile on my face."

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