Chapter 19

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When me and Ryan got to the ice cream shop I was really craving ice cream. When we got out of the car Ryan came over and grabbed my hand while we walked up into the shop. "Alex what would you like to eat?" There was so much to choose from so I did the best I could. "Umm...I will take all in one big bowl." He just looked at me when I said this like I was kidding. But I wasn't. "What I'm pregnant and I need to eat." I tell him smiling as he laughs at me. We sit down and he looks at me I try to avoid his look but it doesn't work.

"What?" I ask him. He clears his throat and speaks, about time. "Alex we need to talk or I have a lot I want to talk about."

"Ryan I don't want to talk about here." I tell him I knew if we talked about I would end up crying at some point of the conversation.

"Fine when we get done eating we'll go back to your place and talk about everything." I nod my head and finish eating my ice cream. We didn't speak a lot after that or on the way home. When I felt my baby kick I grabbed his hand and put on the spot I could feel him kick at. "Come on baby kick for your daddy please." I whisper to him. Ryan looks at me and smiles, when all of a sudden he kicked real hard it hurt but I loved the feeling Ryan laughed and I just smiled I could get use to this.

When we pull up in my drive way Ryan runs to my side of the car and opened the door and helped me out. We walk in my dad looks like hes seen a ghost.

"Hi dad, by the way me and Ryan are back together or trying to work things out for the baby's sake." I say smiling and I just let it out really fast so he wouldn't have time to interrupt me. Ryan goes and hugs my dad to say that didn't shock me would have been a lie. I have never seen my dad and a boyfriend of mine HUG!

"Sir I'm sorry for causing your daughter so much pain and stress I should have been there for her when this was all happening if I could take it back I would. I'm going to step up and be a man now and become a dad even if I'm not ready I'll make myself. But just know I'm never leaving your daughter alone again in this road ahead of us."

"Ryan son, I knew you would come around sometime I understand what your going through. It's hard knowing your going to have to put your life on hold for a while for this baby you and my daughter made. But sooner or later everything will get back to as normal as they can get. It will get better it always does. Welcome to the family Ryan."

I was crying by the end of this I guess that's what he wanted to talk about at the ice cream shop. I knew I would be crying. But that was the best thing a guy has ever said. I ran up and hugged him the best I could having a belly that's like a basketball under my shirt.

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