Chapter 20

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The next day me and Ryan hung out around the house. The baby was very active today which was a little normal. It's like the baby can tell Ryan is around and also understand his voice.
I grabbed Ryan's hand and placed it on my stomach. He looked down at it and the baby stopped moving.

"Ryan speak to him and see if he moves any."
"Hey baby boy its your daddy are you going to be a big, strong little boy when you get here?"

The baby started kicking me this time, "I told you he can understand you when you speak to him baby." Ryan just looked at my stomach in admiration. I could tell he was going to be a good daddy when Mason makes his arrival.

****3 Year Later****

"Mason get back here your daddy is home!"

Ryan and me got married about a month after Mason was born. The best day of my life other than the day my son was born. We are currently looking for our own home to live in, we live with my dad right now which isn't that bad since he isn't home that much. I'll start school soon to master in Education.

For Ryan he joined the Army it's hard on me and Mason not having him here all the time. But he does what he can for us while he's away. It's made him a better man and believe me when he stays gone for six months at a time it brings us closer than ever before. He has been the best daddy to Mason I could ever ask for. I love him with all my heart. And more good news I have a surprise for him tonight after he comes home he doesn't know yet but I plan on telling him tonight over a special dinner I have planned.

"Hey baby welcome home!" He wraps me up in his arms and gives me a bear hug and kisses me.

"Hey I've missed you so much and Mason. Where is that little booger at?" We hear little feet coming down the hallway. "DwADDY!!!" Mason leaps into Ryan's arms. "Hey buddy have you been good for your mama?" "Yes I have Dwaddy!"

The way he talks is so cute he's getting better he's learning. "Mason you're​ gonna go stay the night with maw maw and pawpaw tonight ok." He nods his head and kicks to get out of Ryan's arms.

"I have a surprise for you tonight baby." I say as I kiss him on the lips softly.

"Wonder what it could be?" He asked me I just smile and winked at him and walked off.

It all started with a fight.Where stories live. Discover now