Chapter 14

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We drove for at least 30 minutes before we got to this building. I turn to Jake,I smile and ask "Are you going to kill me and then leave my body out here so nobody will find me?" He laughs at this but ignores my question. I knew he wouldn't do that to me cause he liked me to much. Or I hoped. I laughed at myself and Jake just looked at me like I lost my mind, I just smiled at him.  

3rd Point of View

Alex and Jake walk into the building holding hands and right before they walked in Jake had made Alex close her eyes and not open them till he told her to. They walk in and Jake lets go of Alex hand and stands in front of her with his hand open. He tells her to open her eyes and when she does she cant find the words to say anything. In front of her was a big white sheet and different paint cans. Beside that was a picnic table with food and wine and of course water for Alex. 

 "Jake what is this you didn't have to do this!?!?" Alex looks up at Jake and smiles from ear to ear. He bends down and kisses her forehead and looked into her eyes and he said, "Well its our date I wanted to surprise you....Do you like it? I figured we could have some fine with the paint but before that we can sit an eat? If you don't like this then we can do something else."

   "Oh no this is fine it sounds fun I've never done this kind of thing before so its something new for me thanks!"

They walk over to the table and start eating and talking about anything. Until Jake speaks up and ask about Ryan. "So what's the story between you and Ryan?" I look at him and think of how I should say things without making him feel bad. I don't want to talk about my ex with my recent boyfriend. So I tell him as best as I can,

"We was together for about two years and then one night we was having sex and I was on birth control and he used a condom and it meant everything to me cause he was my first. But then later I started getting sick and when he found out he started acting all weird like he knew something I didn't and then he came out and told me that night the condom had broke and my world changed from then on out. I've asked him to be apart of this child's life but he said he didn't want anything to do with him/her or me for that matter. And that's when you came along." And I look up at him and smile and he smiles back and kisses me on the forehead, the sweetest thing ever. 

"I'm sorry he did this to you Alex and I know you probably think I'm going to leave you because your pregnant with some other dudes kid but I really like you and that shouldn't matter to a guy if the woman they like has kids or is going to have kids that's not his. I want to be there with you through everything and every doctor appt. there is. If you will let me that is?"

"Yes you can be there for me and when we have the doctor appointment that would mean everything to me and I cant wait to take this journey with you Jake!" And I smile up at him and that's when he leans in to kiss me and I meet him half way and our lips lock and I closed my eyes as I felt butterflies in my stomach. The kiss felt like it lasted for ever and when he pulled away I didn't want it to stop. He stands up and looks down at me and holds his hand out for me to take, "Are you ready for the next thing I got for us to do?" and I smile at him and nod my head, "Yes I am I can tell its going to so much fun!" He pulls me to the white sheet and tells me to stand there in front of it and he walks over to the paint can and opens the blue and pink. "What are you going to do with that?" I ask laughing and nervous as ever. "I'm going to paint you and the sheet and then you can paint me and the sheet to, its just for fun." I laugh and close my eyes as I feel cold paint splash all over me and I scream. I open my eyes and I see Jake bent over laughing and I run over to the paint can, pick it up and pour it over his head. He stops and turns around and looks at me. I know I'm in for it now so I drop the can and run for my life while screaming and laughing like a crazy person. 

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