Part 8

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"Tae, I beg you... Don't start shit". Jin begged. "I'm LOVING the confidence you have in me". Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Who said anything about having confidence in you?". Jin says. "Nevermind". Taehyung walks away and Jin giggled. "Tae's a good boy Eomma". Jimin said. "No.... No he isn't and you know that". Jin said. "I tried". Jimin shrugs and eats his mochis.

"I heard y'all talked to May". Caesar sits next to the hybrids. "We did and what were you thinking?". Jin asked. "You're welcome". Caesar smiled and Jin turns his head. "You really want to get adopted with us Caesar?". Jimin asked. "Sure, why not?". Caesar said. "Jin shouldn't be the only one protecting you and Tae". Caesar said. "Thank you!". Jimin grins. "You are adorable". Caesar laughed.

"Oh, you all know that the mating physical is today right?". Caesar asked. "What?". Jin gasped. "Attention my lovable hybrids!". May calls out and everyone looks at her. "The mating physical is starting, please line up according to your species". May said. "What?". Jin said. "Like Tae and I are monkeys... Technically". Caesar said. "Wait, so...". Jin looks at Jimin. "He's not going by his self". Jin said.

"Jin... I'm pretty sure no one is going to stop you if you want to go with Jimin". Caesar chuckled. "Good". Jin smiles. "Come on cutie". Jin grabs Jimin's hand. "Caesar... Please watch Tae". Jin said. "I'll try". Caesar says. "That's not good enough". Jin scoffs and walks away with Jimin. "Alright".


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Jimin was hugging the hell out of Jin when they walks into doctor's office. "You don't...". The doctor shuts her mouth when Jin gave her a death glare. "I'll go first ok?". Jin said and Jimin nods. Jin sits in on the chair and the doctor starts to examining him. "Are we getting shots?". Jin asked. "Oh heavens no". The doctor shakes her head and pours something in a cup.

"All you have to do is drink this". She says. Jin takes the cup and smells it. "The fuck is this?". Jin asked. "It's a liquid shot". She says. "This will tell me if you are able to reproduce". She said. "How?". Jin asked. "By your reaction". She replied. Jin sniffs the liquid again. "Why the hell does it smell like grass and why do I want to drink the hell out of it?". Jin said and the doctor laughs.

Jin glares at her before looking at Jimin who was giving him big doe eyes. 'Damn you Jimin'. Jin sighs and drinks the liquid. Jin waited for something to happen but nothing. "You trick... Ngh". Jin clutches his stomach feeling intense heat all over his body. "Eomma!". Jimin yells. "I-I'm ok". Jin pants and the heat vanishes. "What... The hell... Was that?". Jin growls at the doctor.

"Congratulations Mr. Kim, you're a Doe". She said. "Bitch what?". Jin said. "You're a female kangaroo, so you can have kids". The doctor stats. "Fuck my life". Jin groans. "Come here love". Jin calls Jimin over and Jimin walks over to him. "Are you ok?". Jin asked. "I should ask you that". Jimin pouted. "Cute". Jin pats Jimin on his head. "Ok now let's give... Oh?". The doctor saw Jimin hide behind Jin.

"Can you just give him the drink please?". Jin asked. "He has a phobia to humans". Jin says. "I understand, but I...". "I wasn't asking". Jin growls. "O-ok". The doctor gulps and pours a cup for Jimin. Jin takes it and hands it to Jimin. "Wh-what if that pain happens to me?". Jimin asked. "I'm right here sweetie". Jin says. Jimin nods and takes the cup. He smells it and it smell like grass.

"It smells nasty". Jimin says and Jin laughed. Jimin gulps down the drink and make a weird face. "Yuck". Jimin shakes his head. "Pfft". Jin covers his mouth. "I don't feel... Mmm". Jimin holds his self when he feels heat in his body. "Hot". Jimin says. Jin wanted to hold Jimin's hand but he knew it will only make things worst. "Eomma... Hel... Oh?". Jimin looks down at his body when the heat disappears.

"It's gone". Jimin says. "So, you're a ewe". The doctor writes in her notebook. "Nope". Jin says. "Huh?". She says. "So... I can have babies?". Jimin said and she nods. "Now since you both are females you need to know a few things". The doctor hands Jin a book. "You two will go into something called heat every month". She says. "That's a big time to get pregnant". The doctor said.

"You can take pills to calm yourselves down, so I'd recommend some pills based on your species". She said. "And since you both completed the physical and drunk the shot, you will experience you first heat". She explains. "That sounds like something you should have told us first". Jin crosses his arms. "Eomma shh". Jimin says. "Whatever". Jin rolled his eyes.

"Also, when you find your mate or partner, you will be extremely clingy to them when your heat is close". She said. "Mate or partner?". Jin raises his brow. "Your mate is the same species as you, while you partner is human". The doctor explains. "Hmm". Jin nods. "I'll print out some more information for you, but for now, get some rest". She says. "Cool bye". Jin takes Jimin's hand and walks out.

"Do you think Tae will also be a female?". Jimin asked. "Don't no one wants...". "THE FUCK YOU MEAN I CAN HAVE KIDS!?!". They turned their heads down the hall to Taehyung's voice. Jin and Jimin looked at each other and laughed. "Poor Tae". Jimin said. "Poor Tae?". Jin huffed.

"I feel sorry for the bastard that will be his partner".

My love for a human (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now