Part 52

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Jimin was walking around the garden, eating some chocolate mochis that Namjoon got for him when he saw Yoongi walking somewhere. The lamb, being as curious as ever, followed him.

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Jimin peeked in the window of the art room and saw Yoongi painting something. "I don't care what he says, they are cat hair sticks". Jimin says and continue to watch Yoongi paint. Yoongi suddenly glances at Jimin, making him jump. Yoongi laughed and waves at Jimin. Jimin shyly waves back and points to the canvas then points to his self. Yoongi gave him a nod and Jimin jumps.

"Can I see!?!". Jimin yells outside and Yoongi raises his brow. Jimin made the binoculars sign with his hands and Yoongi shakes his head. Jimin pouts and Yoongi laughs. Yoongi points behind him and Jimin turns his head to the other side of the room.

 Yoongi points behind him and Jimin turns his head to the other side of the room

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"Wah!". Jimin gasped and ran to enter the room. Jimin ran in the room and went straight to the painting. "This isn't me". Jimin says. "I know I said to make me pretty, but this... This is too pretty". Jimin said. "I told you that you were already pretty Jimin, so I didn't have to do that much". Yoongi said and kept painting. "So... Who are you painting now?". Jimin asked. "You". Yoongi says.

"M-me?". Jimin says stunned. "But you already painted me". Jimin said. "I wanted to paint you again". Yoongi said. "O-oh". Jimin blushed. "But... Why?". Jimin asks. "Cause you're calming to look at". Yoongi replied. "It's... New". Yoongi says. "It's relaxing to me to paint you and I paint to feel relaxed". Yoongi said. "So, thanks". Yoongi looks at Jimin, who was a red mess.

"Jimin, are you ok?". Yoongi asked. "No I'm not ok!". Jimin covers his face and Yoongi's eyes widened. "What's wrong?". Yoongi says panicking. "Yo-you said... Nice things about me". Jimin muffles in his hands. Yoongi blinks a few times before his own face heats up. "Shit...". Yoongi covers his mouth. Both of the men were looking at the ground in embarrassment, til Jimin's stomach rumbles.

"That's not nice". Jimin says to his stomach and Yoongi chuckled. "I guess it is time for lunch". Yoongi says and covers up his unfinished painting. "Wait, I wanna see it". Jimin says. "Nope". Yoongi said. "Bully". Jimin huffs and crosses his arms. Yoongi laughs at him and walks out the room. "Hey! Don't leave me!". Jimin chased after him. "Hey! Yoongi! You're walking to fast!". Jimin yells.

Yoongi slows down a little and the angry lamb stops in front of him. "Yes?". Yoongi tilts his head like he didn't do anything. "Oh you're a meanie". Jimin said. "I'm telling Eomma". Jimin runs off. "Wait! I am so sorry!". Yoongi ran after Jimin, who was faster then him. "Damn it with your animal speed!". Yoongi shouts and Jimin laughs. "I'm sorry!". Yoongi yells. "Catch me then!".

"I'm too lazy for that!". Yoongi yelled and earned which earned another laugh from Jimin. Hoseok was looking at them from his window with a smile on his face.

"How cute".

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