Part 40

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"And this is my office"

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"And this is my office". Yoongi says. "What you trying to say boy?". Hoseok growls. "I said what I said dear cousin". Yoongi said. "Why is this place so damn big?". Caesar groans. "It wasn't that big". Jimin said. "I carried you the entire time Jimin". Caesar said. "Tae does this all the time". Jimin says. "No, Tae jumps on my back when he sees me". Caesar said. "Oh". Jimin climbs off of Caesar's back.

"So, how many artists do y'all have?". Caesar asks, giving Jimin some mochis. "We have two boy groups, two female groups, a co-ed group and a male and female soloist". Hoseok answered. "And how the hell do y'all manage?". Caesar asked and Yoongi chuckled. "Simple, we have one group do their comebacks and when they're done, they get to rest and we focus on the next group". Yoongi replies.

"And the soloist?". Caesar asks. "They're different". Yoongi says. "Since both of our soloist are in a relationship, they can come whenever they want cause we want them to focus on their partner for a while, we don't want them to be forced into music and not have them pay attention to their lovers, it's not fair". Yoongi said. "Oh! So y'all care about y'all artists... Ok". Caesar said.

"Of course we do". Hoseok pinched Caesar's cheek and someone knocks on the door. Jimin immediately runs over to Caesar. "It's ok Chim". Caesar says. "Yes?". Yoongi called out and the door opens.

 Yoongi called out and the door opens

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"Boss! Can I pick my girl on a track?". Jino asks. "She's a great singer". Jino grins. "Out of the way Jino". The girl lightly pushes Jino out the way. "Min, I want my girlfriend on my whole album and I won't take no for a answer". She says. "Y'all are so rude". Hoseok says. "How...". Jino finally saw the hybrids in the room. "We can have hybrids!?!". Jino yells. "Idiot". The women sighs.

"Hello, I'm Bess and this is Jino, we're the soloist I hope they told y'all about". Bess smiled. "The name's Caesar and this is Jimin". Caesar says and Jimin was hiding behind Caesar. "Phobia to humans". Jino says. "Obvious, isn't it?". Caesar says. "Very". Jino chuckled. "But... Bess is a cat". Jino pointed out. "What?". Caesar's eyes widened and Bess shows him her ears. "I didn't even see them". Caesar says.

"Our stylists are the best". Bess giggled. "You have hybrids here?". Caesar asks. "I... Didn't know you were a hybrid Bess". Yoongi says stunned. "You... Hoseok! You were supposed to tell him!". Bess yelled. "That ain't my job". Hoseok yawned. "Hoseok... How many hybrids did you hire?". Yoongi asked. "Five". Hoseok says immediately. "The whole co ed group are hybrids". Hoseok says and Yoongi rubs his head.

"We got a snake, a jackrabbit, a bear and a owl". Hoseok says and Yoongi slams his head on his desk. "We... Gotta go". Jino and Bess ran out laughing and Hoseok stares at his cousin. "What you mad for?". Hoseok asks. "Get out". Yoongi said. "Ok, but it's not my fault that you weren't looking at your surroundings". Hoseok said. "Come on Caeser". Hoseok says. "Coming!". Caesar quickly follows Hoseok out the room.

"Anyway... I have something for you". Yoongi says. "Really?". Jimin said. "What did I tell you that I was going to get you?". Yoongi said and Jimin scratches his head. "Oh! Oh! The yellow blanket!". Jimin claps and Yoongi chuckled. Yoongi got a bag from his closet, placed it on the table and goes back to his desk. Jimin walks over to the bag, smells it and stares at it. Yoongi hid his laugh seeing Jimin examine the bag.

"You done questioning it?". Yoongi asked, laughing. "I wasn't doing that!". Jimin huffed and opens the bag.

 Jimin huffed and opens the bag

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Jimin immediately wraps his self in the fluffy blanket and goes to sit in a corner. Yoongi shakes his head and starts working. Jimin looks at Yoongi type away on something. "What is that?". Jimin asked. "It's a computer". Yoongi replied. "It's used for a lot of things". Yoongi said. "How'd you know I was going to ask that?". Jimin asks. "You're a very curious hybrid Jimin". Yoongi says.

"Ohhh". Jimin snuggled the blanket and kept staring at Yoongi. It's been like that for a hour or so. Jimin stared at Yoongi the whole time while he answers calls, talk to people that came in the room and used the computer. "Do you need anything Jimin?". Yoongi asks. "Mochis". Jimin answers. "Wanna go get some?". Yoongi asked. "Yup!". Jimin nods and Yoongi takes out his phone to call Hoseok.

"We getting lunch or not?". Yoongi laughs. "Yeah, Jimin wants mochis". Yoongi said. "And a pork bowl". Jimin says. "And a pork bowl". Yoongi snickers. "And that baby will get WHATEVER he wants!". Hoseok hangs up and Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Come on Jimin". Yoongi says and lamb jumps out of the corner. "Mochi! Mochi! Mochi!". Jimin chants and Yoongi smiles at him.


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