Part 66

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It took Jimin a while to find Taehyung cause he wasn't in his room, he was in Jungkook's and it the little lamb a long time to find it

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It took Jimin a while to find Taehyung cause he wasn't in his room, he was in Jungkook's and it the little lamb a long time to find it. Now, Jimin is standing in the room watching Taehyung flip Jungkook's pillow to the other side. "What's the difference?". Jimin asked. "WAH!!!". Taehyung jumps and Jimin pouts... Jimin walked in the room without making a sound.

"Damn it Chim, what did I tell you about walking all quiet and shit?". Taehyung said, rubbing his chest. "Sorry". Jimin says and looks at a sleeping Jungkook. "How is he?". Jimin asked. "He's getting better". Taehyung smiled. "He's eating other things that's not soup but he still wants to drink that nasty ass banana milk". Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You like bananas but you don't like banana milk, that makes no sense".

"No Chim, making different flavors of milk doesn't make any sense". Taehyung said. "All those others flavors are trying to take the crown from Queen strawberry and I won't allow it!". Taehyung yelled. "I... Didn't know it was that deep". Jimin says. "Everyone is deep when it comes to me". Taehyung huffs and saw Jungkook move a little. Taehyung smiles and pats Jungkook on his head.

Jimin tilts his head at the action and stares at Taehyung. "Did you already get clingy with him?". Jimin asks and Taehyung gave him a appalled look. "Pfft, no!". Taehyung says. "Why would you think that?". Taehyung scratches his neck and looks around the room. "Cause we all did it already". Jimin said. "I'm sorry?". Taehyung blinks. "Eomma did it to Nam Nam, I did it to Yoongi and Caesar's been doing it since he saw smiley".

"Shit... Mom did it too?". Taehyung bit his lip. "Mi-mine was a normal reaction". Taehyung huffed. "Oh really?". Jimin says. "Yes it was". Taehyung said. "That Lily bitch though she can touch my Jungkook!". Taehyung yells. "I wanted to rip her hair out but I realize that it will be wrong". Taehyung pouts and Jimin stares at him. "Bu-but... Lily's a boy". Jimin says and Taehyung's head drops.

"So... You're telling me that... I could have shave his hair?". Taehyung rubs his face. "Yoongi told you that Lily was a boy". Jimin said. "That was three days ago! What I look like holding onto past information!". Taehyung shouted. "But... It's good information, that you forget". Jimin says confused. "This ain't about me". Taehyung said. "But isn't it?". Jimin tilts his head. "I'm so confused". Jimin rubs his head and Taehyung laughed.

"Alright, calm down before you have a heartattack". Taehyung told him. "Now, what's this about you touching Yoongi?". Taehyung  asked. "Who told you?". Jimin asked. "I forget, now answer me". Taehyung folded his arms. "I don't know what you want me to tell you Tae". Jimin says. "I just... Wanted to, I guess". Jimin looked down at his feet.

"You are so cute!". Taehyung pinched Jimin's cheeks. "Owie". Jimin yelped. "I did not hurt you". Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Anyway, back to you". Jimin smiled. "Do you like Jungkook?". Jimin asked. "You know... This is the first time I heard you say his name". Taehyung said. "I'm sure I said it before". Jimin says. "I'm pretty sure you didn't". Taehyung said.

"You're avoiding the question". Jimin crosses his arms. "Do you like Yoongi?". Taehyung asks. "Yes, now answer me". Jimin said and Taehyung looks at him shocked. "Wh-what you like him?". Taehyung says and Jimin just stares at him. "Fine!". Taehyung whined. "I like him but I won't admit it, happy". Taehyung pouts. "You just did but I'll let it slide". Jimin giggles.

"Bye Tae!". Jimin ran out the room, leaving Taehyung confused. "He could have stayed a while". Taehyung sighs, then it hit him. "That little bastard!". Taehyung yelled.


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