Part 83

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"Nam Nam! Nam Nam!"

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"Nam Nam! Nam Nam!". Jimin was yelling through the house. Namjoon looks up from his book when he saw Jimin run past the living room. "Pfft, cute". Namjoon put his book down and followed after the lamb. "Nam Nam!". Jimin calls again. "Jimin". Namjoon called from behind him and Jimin jumps. "I was looking for you everywhere". Jimin pouted and Namjoon chuckled at him.

"I will either be in the living room, my private area or being dragged around by Jin". Namjoon shakes his head. "Now, what is it?". Namjoon asked. "I want to go to the store and get a I like you gift for Yoongi". Jimin told him and Namjoon's eyes widened. "Umm... I'm sorry?". Namjoon said. "I want...". "No, no, I got that part". Namjoon cuts in saying. "You... Like Yoongi?". Namjoon asked and Jimin nods.

Namjoon looks Jimin up and down. "Why?". Namjoon asks. "You know what, it has nothing to do with me". Namjoon nods to his self. "But... Why me?". Namjoon asks. "Cause I don't know what Yoongi likes". Jimin said. "That's a damn lie". Namjoon said. "He tells EVERYONE about his Kumamon collection". Namjoon said. "And you already know that he likes to paint, that's two things right there".

"Yes, two... I don't anything else about him". Jimin said. "Still feels like you're lying but cool". Namjoon nodded. "But, I'll take you to the store". Namjoon says. "Thank you!". Jimin beamed. "You're welcome but Hoseok would have been a better choice than me". Namjoon says. "Objection". Caesar walked in and Jimin immediately attached his self to him. Caesar laughed and pats Jimin on his head.

"Hoseok is sleeping and should not be disturbed". Caesar said. "Yeah, I know why he's sleeping". Namjoon shivers. "Oof, sorry but I'm really not". Caesar said. "Now, where we going?". Caesar asked. "To the store so I get Yoongi a I like you gift". Jimin replied and Caesar looked down at him. "Jin know you like him?". Caesar asks and Jimin nods. "Good enough for me, let's go!". Caesar cheered. "Great". Namjoon sighs.

 Namjoon sighs

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They reached a gift shop and Jimin instantly tried to take off but was stopped by Caesar. "No". Caesar scold and Jimin's ears dropped. "Sorry". Jimin says. "It's fine but stay close to us, understand?". Caesar said and Jimin nods and held Caesar's hand. "Good, now what the hell are we looking for?". Caesar asked. "Some paint, paintbrushes, Kumamon, oh! I can get him something for his office!".

Jimin kept listing things to get while Caesar and Namjoon smiled at him. "We can also get him something that reminds him of his grandma". Jimin said. "He loves her you know". Jimin giggled. "I know". Namjoon said. "Leave that one for me". Namjoon said. "Ok!". Jimin beams. "Come on papa!". Jimin tugs on Caesar's hand. "He called me papa... That shit hurt so good". Caesar sniffs and let's Jimin drag him away.

Jimin was grabbing all types of things cause he didn't know what to get. The lamb was surprised that Caesar wasn't stopping him. "Why are you letting me grabs things?". Jimin asked him. "Cause I'm not the one paying". Caesar laughed demonically. "O-oh". Jimin looks at the cart of things. "Ok then! Nam Nam won't mind!". Jimin kept throwing things in the cart happily. "I actually do mind, I mind a great deal".

"Let this baby play". Caesar said. "He's happy, look how happy he is". Caesar said and Namjoon stupidly looked at Jimin, who was humming and dancing while putting things in the cart. "How can you say no to him?". Caesar said. "I can...". "In my presence". Caesar growled darkly. "Uhh...". Namjoon gulped. "Nevermind". Namjoon said. "Nam Nam, I'm finished... I think". Jimin said.

"Nope, you're done". Namjoon said. "What if...". "Jimin... You're done, trust me". Namjoon said. "Ok!". Jimin walked to the line with Caesar and Namjoon close behind him. "If this cost more then a thousand dollars Caesar, I'm fighting you". Namjoon said. "Yeah, good luck with all that". Caesar says watching Jimin happily rock back and forth. "Aww, you two have a beautiful son". A women says and both Caesar and Namjoon broke their necks to look at her.

"Miss you...". "Look papa! This cat keychain looks like Yoongi!". Jimin held up a keychain at Caesar. The women smiled widely at them and Namjoon pinched his nose.

"Got damn it Jimin".

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