Part 71

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Namjoon and the cousins were sitting in Namjoon's office in silence

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Namjoon and the cousins were sitting in Namjoon's office in silence... Til Hoseok slamming his head on the table broke it. "Is there something you want to say Hobi?". Namjoon asks, still reading his script. "I don't have any patience!". Hoseok yelled. "I wonder which parent gave that to you". Namjoon said and shivered for no reason.

"I am so sorry, please don't hurt me... I have a family". Namjoon said. "Excuse me Mr. Kim but you have a visitor". A women says and Namjoon grins at Hoseok. "See? You just had to be patient". Namjoon says. "Let him in". Namjoon says. "Umm...". The women looks behind her. "Just him?". She asks and Namjoon raises a brow. "What are you talking about?". Namjoon asked and the women rubs her arm.

"Bitch". Jin pushed her out the way and walked in the office. "Sorry for intruding". May bowed. "Jin? What are you doing here?". Namjoon asked. "The better fucking question who is this he she was talking about?". Jin places a hand on his hip. "What's his damn name and how should I kill him without getting blood in your floor?". Jin asked. "Umm...". "Suffocation". Hoseok said.

Everyone turns to Hoseok, who yawns like he did nothing wrong. "What are you doing here May?". Yoongi asked. "Well Jin thought of a WONDERFUL plan and I had to join". May grinned. "Plan? What plan?". Namjoon looks at Jin. "Who the fuck are you waiting for?". Jin asked. "Hoseok's informant". Yoongi replied. "Min". Namjoon rubs his head. "He's not going to leave and you know that".

"Informant?". Jin looks at Hoseok and Hoseok groans. "Don't ask". Hoseok said. "Y'all already have someone that might know about that place?". Jin says stunned. "Place? What place? What are you talking about?". Namjoon tugs on his collar. "I know what you all are trying to do". Jin said. "You look pretty today Jin". Namjoon said and Jin stares at him.

"I know what you're trying to do... And it's working, thank you so much Joon". Jin said. "I'm using this new face cream and it's working well on my flawless skin". Jin said. "Jin...". May sighs. "What? I ain't backing down from a compliment and you know that". Jin said. "Anyway, we are waiting for this bitch ass man". Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I am SOO offended".

 "I am SOO offended"

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(SHINee's Minho)

"And here I thought we were family Yoongi". The man sniffs. "Since when?". Yoongi asked. "This is Minho". Namjoon said. "Hello". Minho bows. "And hello Hoseok". Minho winks at Hoseok and Hoseok gags. "Umm...?". May said. "He's Hoseok's ex". Namjoon said. "Got it". May nods. "I wouldn't call me a ex". Minho said. "I like to think of me as... A rental man".

"Isn't that right Hos...". "And I told you if you didn't like being called a ex that there was twenty five other letters you can call yourself, either way, the letters you and I will never go together". Hoseok sassed. "That's my bitch y'all!". Jin hugs Hoseok, making him giggle.  "Damn... You really know how to bring a man down". Minho pouts. "Talk Minho". Yoongi says. "What do I get if I do?".

"A date". Hoseok replied. "Really?". Minho's eyes widened. "But you...". Hoseok shot Namjoon a creepy smile and Namjoon wanted to puke. "Nevermind". Namjoon said. "Since I'm getting a date with my beloved...". "I will kill you very slowly". Hoseok said. "Like I wouldn't let you". Minho laughed and Jin wraps his tail around his throat.

"Ak!". Minho chokes. "Listen". Jin coldly says. "Start talking before I start breaking your fucking bones... Understood?". Jin said and Minho just nodded. "Good, now start talking". Jin releases his grip on Minho's throat and Mingi gasps. "I'm both scared and turned on at the same time". Minho said. "You fuck...". "Jin". Namjoon says and Jin closed his mouth. "Continue". Namjoon says.

"Right". Minho rubs his throat and pouts. "There are four places like that in Seoul". Minho says. "Two are damn near neighbors, so they trade off and "train" hybrids". Minho said. "Here's the kicker... They are all owned by Korean officials". Minho says and May gasped. "I know, crazy right?". Minho shook his head. "So trying to stop those places are going to be a little difficult". Minho told them.

"Fuck all of that, I'm here for violence and violence only". Jin said. "Just because they are officials doesn't mean they can't get this work". Jin said. "I'm going to ALL of those places to break jaws, drain blood and cut open bodies, so tell me where those buildings are before I make you my practice dummy". Jin says. "I... I am so turned on right now". Namjoon says and Jin blushed.

"I got the places for you right here". Minho takes out a folded piece of paper from his jacket. "And since I'm getting a date with Hoseok, I don't have to charge y'all for this juicy information". Minho wiggles his eyebrows. "Yeah ok". Hoseok rolls his eyes and snatched the paper from Minho's hand. "Thanks, you can go now". Hoseok said. "What? I don't get a hu...". Jin slams his tails on the ground and Minho jumps.

"So the door is...". Minho says and Jin points to the door. "Ah! Much obliged". Minho bows and ran out the room. "Now...". Jin looks at everyone with a dark smile on his face.

"Shall we being?".

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