Part 103

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"Why... The fuck... Did you wake me up for?". Hoseok had his arms crossed and glaring at Namjoon. "I had a VERY rough last night and you fucking woke me up". Hoseok said. "Can we like... Not". Jungkook said. "Agreed, I do NOT want to hear about your sex life". Yoongi shivered. "Sex life?". Hoseok turned to his cousin. "And why would I bless y'all ears with that?". Hoseok huffed.

"I...". Yoongi sighs. "And where's Caesar and my bestie?". Hoseok asked. "I told to look after Jimin and Tae cause I needed to talk to y'all". Namjoon replied. "And yet... You ain't talking". Hoseok said. "Cause you wanted to talk about your hot sex with Caesar". Jungkook laughed. "Kook... I am not in the FUCKING mood right now k?". Hoseok gave Jungkook a scary smile and Jungkook hid behind the couch.

"Calm down Hobi". Namjoon says. "I didn't even get started with you yet Joon, calling me easy, is you serious?". Hoseok said. "I didn't... Kook!". Namjoon yells and Jungkook tried to run but he bumps into someone. "Where's the fire rabbit?".

 "Where's the fire rabbit?"

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"Oh dear lord". Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Hey boo". Minho winked at Hoseok. "I'll be in the kitchen". Hoseok says and Minho ran in front of him. "Can't I have...". "Namjoon woke him up". Yoongi cuts him off. "Enjoy". Minho instantly got of Hoseok's way. "I just wanted to talk about the guy that hurt Jimin... Is that too much to ask?". Namjoon sighs. "Guy?". Minho raised a brow. "Is he not dead?". Minho asked.

"Sadly no". Yoongi cracks his knuckles. "So he wasn't kill? Shame". Minho shook his head. "Tragic, but on the bright side... I get to twist his neck like a owl when I get my hands on him". Hoseok laughed. "Still crazy... That's so hot". Minho said. "Hurry up and find someone else". Hoseok says. "They won't be me but you need to give your dick some DESPERATELY needed action". Hoseok giggled.

"I love you". Minho said. "Bitch, you ain't the only one that said that to me, move along". Hoseok yawned. "Back to me, thanks". Namjoon says. "Minho, I need you to try to find him". Namjoon says. "How?". Minho asked. "I thought we were done with all of this so I told my men to burn all the information". Minho said. "What type of gang lord are you?". Yoongi says. "The kind that doesn't like a messy office". Minho said.

"Can't you just do the research all over again?". Namjoon asked. "I can but it will take a few days to actually know who I'm looking for". Minho said. "That's fine then". Namjoon says. "I'll get on that then and I'll send some men and weapons over just in case". Minho said. "Thanks". Namjoon said. "No prob...". "I want a rocket launcher and a fucking machete, the knife edition". Hoseok says and Minho smirks.

"Of course I will give you anything you want but what do I get in return?". Minho asked. "You get to keep your life for starters". Caesar says, leaning against the wall. "Daddy". Hoseok pants and jumped on Caesar. "Being bad without me?". Caesar chuckled. "No sir". Hoseok said. "How sad". Caesar said. "What we talking about?". Caesar asked and Minho scoffed. "Do I hear you having a problem Minso?". Caesar says.

"My name is Minho... Fucker". Minho growled. "And jealously? You're two for two mango... Don't make it three". Caesar says coldly. "Where's Jimin?". Yoongi asked. "Sleeping". Caesar answered. "Why?". Yoongi asks. "Cause Jin told them to go back to sleep so he can go to sleep". Caesar replied. "I'm sleepy cause Joon woke me up". Hoseok pouted at Caesar. "Let's tuck you in then". Caesar said. "Bye hoes". Hoseok said and Caesar carried him out the room.

"I. Hate. Him". Minho hissed. "You're just a sore loser". Yoongi laughed. "My baby monkey is sleeping without me... And it's all your fault!". Jungkook yelled at Namjoon. "How the hell is it my fault!?!". Namjoon shouted back. "Jin is YOURS and he told my baby to go to sleep! THAT'S how!". Jungkook yelled back. "That doesn't make sense!". Namjoon shouts back. "No, math doesn't make sense!". Jungkook yelled. "What!?!".

"Ar-are they always like this?". Minho asked Yoongi. "It's a father son thing, don't worry about it". Yoongi said. "You do your thing, I'm going to make my little lamb something to eat when he wakes up". Yoongi yawned and walked into the kitchen. Minho continued to watch Jungkook and Namjoon argue. "Father and son, huh". Minho says. "Meh...".

"I can see it".

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