Part 45

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Yoongi was laying on his bed with his hands behind his head, pissed off. He didn't know how, but he was going to find the people that hurt Jimin. While Yoongi was thinking about how to calm his self down, a soft knock was heard on his door. "Yeah?". Yoongi calls out. "Umm... It's me?". Yoongi quickly shot up hearing Jimin's voice.

"Co-come in". Yoongi drops his head because of him stuttering. The door opens and Yoongi saw Jimin with a plate of food in his hands and the yellow blanket he got for him hanging on his head. "What is it Jimin?". Yoongi asks. "Mr. Hoseok said that you wanted to eat in your room and asked me to bring it to you". Jimin replied and Yoongi sighed at his cousin's tactic.

"Thank y...". "Why are you angry?". Jimin cuts Yoongi off asking. "Huh?". Yoongi says. "I'm not angry". Yoongi said and Jimin stares at him. "Yes you are". Jimin said. "Every hybrid can pick up emotions without trying". Jimin says. Yoongi rubs the back of his neck and sighed again. "It... Really isn't nothing". Yoongi said and once again, Jimin stares at him. "You're lying". Jimin puffed out his cheeks and Yoongi grinned.

"Ok, ok... I'll tell". Yoongi said and Jimin smiles. "Good, I'll...". "Wait!". Yoongi shouts, when Jimin was walking over to his desk. "Yo-you can sit on the bed". Yoongi said and Jimin blinks. "So... Where do you want me to put the food?". Jimin asks. "On the floor, I'll get it". Yoongi answers. "Why? I can put it on the desk". Jimin said and Yoongi chuckled. "It's fine". Yoongi said. Jimin looks Yoongi up and down and gave up.

Jimin lays the blanket down on the floor and puts the food on top of it. "Jimin I didn't mean for...". "No, there are a lot of germs on the floor". Jimin says. Yoongi shakes his head and got off the bed and walked over to the desk. Jimin walks towards the bed and sits on it. "Oh?". Jimin pushes down on the bed with his hand and smiled. "Comfy". Jimin says and Yoongi grins.

"Now talk before you distract me". Jimin said. "Fine, fine". Yoongi picks up the food and the blanket. Yoongi lightly tosses the blanket on the bed. "Th-thank you". Jimin says. "You're welcome". Yoongi said. "Now talk". Jimin crosses his arms and Yoongi laughed. "Ok". Yoongi took a deep breath. "Well... Umm...". Yoongi rubs his arm. "I... Have this friend right?". Yoongi said.

"Ok, you have a friend". Jimin said. "He... Was getting hurt by someone and I didn't know". Yoongi said. "And now that I know, I want to hurt the person that hurt him". Yoongi says. Jimin looks Yoongi up and down. "Then what?". Jimin says. "Eh?". Yoongi looked over at Jimin. "After the you find and hurt the person, then what?". Jimin asked.

"That's... It". Yoongi said and Jimin tilts his head. "So what's the point?". Jimin asks. "The point is you shouldn't go around hurting people that don't deserve it and think you can get away with it". Yoongi explained. "I get that, but what's the point of revenge?". Jimin asked. "Your friend was hurt, but he's fine now". Jimin said. "Your friend never saw that person again right There's no need for revenge".

"It's not revenge Jimin". Yoongi said. "It's karma". Yoongi says. "There's nothing worst then people attacking someone that doesn't deserve it and can't defend for themselves". Yoongi said. "My friend was very young, so he couldn't fight back... It wasn't fair". Yoongi said. "Will you feel better?". Jimin asked. "Will you feel better giving this person karma?". Jimin stares at Yoongi.

"Very". Yoongi answers. "And will your friend feel better if he finds out that you went to a past that he's trying to forget?". Jimin asks. "I...". Yoongi looks away. "Revenge is two sided... One side wants seek it while the other wants to forget, that's the side people always forget". Jimin said. "And where did you learn that from?". Yoongi asked. "Caesar speaks like that all the time". Jimin replied.

"Namjoon will get along with him very well". Yoongi chuckled. "But... He's right". Yoongi sighs. "So you won't do it?". Jimin says and Yoongi shook his head. "Good!". Jimin smiled widely. "I'll bring you some more food cause I know that's cold". Jimin walks out the room and Yoongi smiled.

"Thanks Jimin".

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