Part 60

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(At the same time)

"What the fuck is wrong with him?". Hoseok asked Namjoon, looking at his cousin who was eating a pint of ice cream in the kitchen corner. "That's your cousin". Namjoon says. "But if you want a clear answer... He's having a mental meltdown". Namjoon said. "The fuck you mean?". Hoseok says. "You only eat ice cream when you're sad or going through a breakup".

"Both of those reasons makes no sense in this type of situation". Namjoon said. "Come on Yoongi, have a nosebleed, I know what to do for that". Namjoon says and Hoseok slaps him in his neck. "Ow!". Namjoon yelped. "Bitch, you're ok". Hoseok rolled his eyes and went over to his cousin. "Yoongi? You ok?". Hoseok asked.

"H-he's so cute!"

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"H-he's so cute!". Yoongi cries out and Hoseok backed away from him. "Nope". Hoseok shakes his head. "What's wrong?". Namjoon asked. "I didn't fucking sign up for that cute shit". Hoseok said. "I'm weak to cute shit... Look it up, it's real". Hoseok said. "Ok?". Namjoon says. "Anyway, can you make Jungkook some soup?". Namjoon asked. "He hasn't eating anything all day and he isn't feeling well".

"What happen to him?". Hoseok asked. "He...". "It was my fault". The two men turned to Taehyung who was playing with his tail in guilt. "I-I asked him to ride the roller coaster with me... Fifty seven times". Taehyung says. "That's not your fault". Namjoon said. "You're not mad?". Taehyung says. "No, it's fine". Namjoon said. "I'm sure Kook isn't blaming you either". Hoseok said.

"Ar-are you sure?". Taehyung says. "Of course not!". Hoseok said. "You're too cute for someone to stay mad at you Tae". Hoseok says and Taehyung puffed out his cheeks. "I'm not cute". Taehyung said. "Aw, yes you are". Namjoon says. "Sh-shut up!". Taehyung yells embarrassed and they laughed at him. "Ju-Just help me with Jungkook, ok?". Taehyung crossed his arms.

"Fine, fine". Hoseok giggled. "I was going to make him some soup, wanna help?". Hoseok asks. "Ok!". Taehyung smiled widely and ran over to Hoseok and saw Yoongi sitting in the corner. "Umm...". Taehyung pointed to Yoongi. "The fuck?". Taehyung said. "Mid life crisis". Hoseok said. "So... Jimin?". Taehyung says. "Jimin". Hoseok said.

"Yo! What did you do to my brother?". Taehyung asked. "He grabbed my finger". Yoongi sniffs and they all stared at him in shocked. "He what?". Hoseok gasped. "There's no WAY Jimin did that!". Taehyung yelled. "Tell me the truth". Taehyung said. "Why is it so hard to believe?". Namjoon asks and Taehyung turned to him. "Oh... You're still here". Taehyung says and Hoseok laughed.

"I'm tall, but still invisible". Namjoon sighed. "Sorry". Taehyung rubs the back of his neck. "But Jimin touching a human in a span of three weeks is not right". Taehyung said. "It took him six years to touch May and vice versa". Taehyung said. "So... This seems a little impossible to me". Taehyung said. "What chu mean?". Hoseok says. "My cousin is cute". Hoseok scoffs. "No wonder Jimin wanted to touch him".

"I'm not cute!". Yoongi yelled. "Meow all you want kitty, you're fucking adorable". Hoseok said. "So... Jimin really touched you?". Taehyung asks and Yoongi nods. "That's crazy". Taehyung says. "Can we go back to Jungkook now?". Taehyung says. "Sure cutie". Hoseok said and they start to prepare soup for Jungkook. "What about me? What do I eat?". Namjoon asked. "My ass". Hoseok says.

"Objection". Caesar walked in, glaring at Hoseok. "It was a joke, calm down". Hoseok rolled his eyes. "My ass eating is a joke?". Caesar says and Yoongi started choking. Caesar looked over Hoseok's shoulder and saw Yoongi sitting in the corner. "Mid life crisis?". Caesar said. "Apparently". Namjoon said. "Dark". Caesar nods. "Anyway, I'm hungry babe". Caesar says. "I got you boo". Hoseok smiled.

"What about me?". Namjoon says. "Starve". Hoseok said and Namjoon pouted. "Man...". Namjoon crosses his arms.

"I hate it here".

My love for a human (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now