Part 30

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Yoongi raises a brow and May closes her eyes. "Jimin... Is very fragile". May said. "He's... He's been through a lot and needs extra care". May tells him. "As you saw, Jimin has a fear of humans and will probably put some distance between the both of you, so please understand that". May said. "Why?". Yoongi asks. "Why is he so scared? What happen to him?". Yoongi asked.

"I can't tell you that, I'm sorry". May replied. "But... If you break through the ice he build around his self, then maybe he will tell you". May said. "All I can tell you is that he was sold by his parents". May said. "What?". Yoongi's eyes widened. "What type of sick fucks would sell their child?". Yoongi was enraged. "Disgusting ass people". May spat. "But what does that have to do with Jimin's panic attack?". Yoongi asked.

"Yoongi, to be honest with you, I don't know anything". May said. "I found Tae, Jin and Jimin in front of the store one night and they didn't look so good". May said. "So if want any details... You should wait for Jimin to tell you". May says. "Naturally, Tae and Jin won't tell you anything... They are really stubborn". May sighed. "Anyway, back to Jimin". May have Yoongi a stern look.

"Jimin is easily breakable and not strong, emotionally or physically like other hybrids". May said. "He needs the most attention and the most love". May says. "Jimin is our dandelion, anything can blow his bristles away and we can't have that". May says. "So please Yoongi... I beg you, don't hurt him, don't push him away and please... Don't abandon him". May says brokenhearted and Yoongi nods.

"You have my word May". Yoongi said and May nods at him. "I know". May took a deep breath. "You need a shit ton of mochis in different flavors but mango, that baby hates mangos". May giggled. "He also likes sugar cubes". May said. "Sugar... Cubes?". Yoongi says confused. "He will always wobbles over to me for them so make sure you have them... Hell he might even get close to you if you hold one out to him". May smirks.

"Don't smirk at me!". Yoongi yells blushing and May laughs. "Sorry, sorry". May said. "We're back!". Jungkook skips in the living room with a box of banana burgers. "So loud". Hoseok walks in wearing a yellow sunflower apron. "Good, I'm done with my house visit". May packs up her things. "I will bring them on Monday, is that ok?". May asked. "That's wonderful!". Hoseok claps. "Great!". May grins and puts on her coat. "Oh, and one more thing". May said.

"Hmm?". Hoseok tilts his head and May looks at Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook. "Your hybrids will go through heat". May said. "Oh my god". Namjoon covers his face. "What is that?". Yoongi asked. "Sounds sexy". Jungkook said. "Wait, what about Caesar?". Hoseok asked. "Caesar is a breeder". May replied. "He doesn't have heat, but can still get incredibly horny and might get you pregnant". May said.

"Pfft, might". Hoseok laughed. "I'll let him inpregnate me for free". Hoseok says. "Ok...?". May looks Hoseok up and down. "Namjoon you can explain what heat is". May said. "But...". "Goodbye!". May waves and leaves. "What the hell is heat Joon?". Yoongi asked. "It's something hot isn't it?". Jungkook wiggles his brows. "You still have to spell rhetorical". Hoseok said. "It's a very hard word ok!?!". Jungkook yelled.

"They shouldn't be making words like that!". Jungkook shouts. "Shit sounds like a tongue tornado instead of a twister, kids don't need to be learning words like that! The fuck is wrong with you people!?!". Jungkook yells and Hoseok was laughing his ass off. "That shit ain't funny!". Jungkook yelled. "Yo Alexa! Spell rhetorical!". Jungkook shouted. "Rhetorical... R h e t o r i c a l, rhetorical". Alexa says.

"THERE WAS A H IN THE BITCH!?!". Jungkook screams and his Hyungs were in tears. "No way in hell there was a H in that word!". Jungkook said and his Hyungs were on the floor, gasping for air. Jungkook was fuming and pouting the whole time.

"Yo fuck the English language!".

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