Part 102

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Jimin didn't even get time to look around the unfamiliar room before he was crushed to death by someone and covered in kisses

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Jimin didn't even get time to look around the unfamiliar room before he was crushed to death by someone and covered in kisses. "My baby!". Jin squeals. "My baby! My baby! My baby!". Jin starts swinging Jimin around and Jimin giggled. "Oh how I missed you!". Jin says. "Are you ok? Did someone mess with you? Please tell me I can FINALLY kill someone!". Jin grins.

"Eomma, calm down". Jimin said. "And what did I say about your mom speed?". Jimin said. "And what did I tell you about trying to question me?". Jin shot back. "Not to do it". Jimin's ears dropped. "Aww, don't be like that cutie, I was just joking". Jin pinched Jimin's cheek. "Now, did you have fun with Yoongi?". Jin asks. "I did! I did!". Jimin jumped. "Oh?". Jin smiled. "Tell Eomma what you two did". Jin said.

"Hold up bitches, the main attraction is here". Hoseok walked in with a glass of wine and bag of chocolate and sat on the couch. "Annnnnnd go". Hoseok said. "Babe... Aren't you gonna share that chocolate?". Jin asked. "I would buuut... Guess who allergy to strawberries". Hoseok said. "Want a hint? It's you". Hoseok laughed. "Fuck you". Jin said and Hoseok gasped.

"Cursing in front of a holy Angel, you're going to hell... And so am I! Haha". Hoseok took a sip of wine. "You're drunk". Jin said. "And don't you forget it". Hoseok hiccup. Jin just shakes his head and turns to Jimin. "Now tell me what you two did". Jin says. "I had SOO much fun Eomma!". Jimin beamed. "Yoongi took me on a ship!". Jimin said. "Oh! So your man loves you but here I am, stuck at home, with all these bitches".

"I have a katana if you want to shove it down Joon's throat". Hoseok said. "After I get my date". Jin huffed. "I heard that". Hoseok chugged down his glass and fills it back up. "What else y'all do cutie?". Hoseok asked. "I went on a water slide and I went weee Eomma and then I told Yoongi to do it and he did!". Jimin grins. "As he should". Jin scoffs. "He and anyone else on this nasty ass planet is not allowed to say no to you". Jin said.

"I'll say no all day long sweets... Not to Caesar cause I'm saying yes all the damn time". Hoseok chuckled. "Stop drinking before I hurt you". Jin said. "Noooo". Hoseok hiccup and Jin sighed. "Go on sweetie". Jin said. "Well... I kissed him". Jimin said.

 Jimin said

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"Yo-you what?". Jin hissed. "My fucking cousin is a whole bitch, I swear to God". Hoseok rolled his eyes and popped a chocolate in his mouth. "I kissed him, just like Tae told me to do". Jimin smiles and Jin eye twitched. "How's your back?". Hoseok asked. "Hoseok!". Jin yelled. "Hello". Hoseok waves at Jin. "M-my back is fine". Jimin gave Hoseok a confused look. "I'm not getting any younger and he won't even TRY to give me a niece or nephew".

"I'm going to hurt you". Jin said. "Mmm hmm". Hoseok yawned. "Can I go back to Yoongi now?". Jimin asked. "Hell no". Jin said. "I just got your ass back, you're staying with me... Forever". Jin said. "He just wants you to sleep with him cause he missed you". Hoseok said. "That's it! Choking your ass out!". Jin yelled. "I'll stay with Eomma tonight!". Jimin hugged Jin and Jin immediately starts crying.

"My sweet baby Angel!". Jin squealed. "I'mma go make you some food and make you a bubble bath and read you a bed time story, kill Tae and make you some mochis". Jin says. "You ain't slick with the kill Tae shit". Hoseok said. "Hate you". Jin said and Hoseok laughed. "Now... Hmm?". Jin felt something under the couch and grabs it. "A book?". Jin says. "Yeah... This is my private area". Hoseok said.

"Must be a good read then since you look like you don't like reading". Jin said. "You right". Hoseok said. "Nine". Hoseok says. "You read this book nine times?". Jimin gasped. "No, it's been nine years that I didn't finish it". Hoseok corrects. "Never finished the first two sentences". Hoseok shakes his head and Jin and Jimin looked at each other. "Right... Come baby". Jin takes Jimin's hand. "Bye smiley!". Jimin waves and Hoseok and left with Jin.

"I want a baby". Hoseok pouted and picks up the book. Hoseok stares at it and throws it out the window. "I don't know how you keep getting back in this damn house". Hoseok rolled his eyes and left the room and when he does... The book gets tossed back in the room.

"You gonna read this goddamn book". Namjoon said.

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