Part 31

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"May? You called for us". Jin walks in holding Jimin and Caesar was struggling to get Taehyung off his back. "Get the hell off me Tae". Caesar said. "No can do dad". Taehyung chuckled. "Hate you". Caesar groaned and Taehyung chuckled again. "Actually, I was going to tell you all that I finished my exams and everything was good".

"Son of a bitch". Jin groans. "You all will be moving on Monday". May says. "What!?!". Taehyung yells and Caesar throws Taehyung off his back. "I told you to stop yelling in my ear!". Caesar shouted. "Monday! That's too soon!". Taehyung shouts. "I agree with Tae, it is a little to soon to be moving in with them". Jin says and Jimin wakes up and looks around the room confused. "Eomma?".

"Hi baby". Jin smiled. "What's going on?". Jimin rubs his eyes and Jin almost died. "We're going to move in with those humans on Monday!". Taehyung yells and shivered when Jin glared at him. "Mo-Monday? That's fast". Jimin says. "That's what we're saying". Jin said. "That's cause y'all never got adopted". Caesar said. "This is a normal thing". Caesar says. "Says the guy that got adopted ten times". Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Don't have me hurt you". Caesar growls and Taehyung grins. "They are all very rich". May says. "Namjoon's a actor, Jungkook is a stunt double and the cousins own a music company". May said. "The house is very big and you guys might get lost, so hang onto Jimin, since the little guy gets lost a lot". As May was rambling on about their owners, the hybrids were staring at her in silence.

"They look like good men". May smiles and noticed that the hybrids were staring at her. "Why are you all staring at me?". May asked. "You're... Crying". Jimin says and May touched her face. "Oh? When did this happen?". May laughs. "May?". Jin says softly and May burst into tears. "May!?! What's wrong!?!". Taehyung yells, panicking. "I- I'm losing y'all!". May shouts, shocking the hybrids.

"I put y'all on the rare list thinking it will keep y'all here but I was wrong!". May yells. "I wanted to adopt you all for myself but that wouldn't be fair!". May wipes her tears away but more kept falling. "I raised you all! Jimin was ten when he came here! I feel like I'm y'all guy's mom!". May covers her face and sobs. Jin sighs and goes over to her and rubs her back. "You are our mom May". Jin says.

"Damn right!". Taehyung said. "Who knows what would have happened if you didn't help us that night". Taehyung says. "You kept giving me chances when I go bat shit crazy on people who adopt me". Caesar said. "If I was anywhere else acting like that, I would have been killed but yet you kept me". Caesar says. "Thanks". Caesar smiled. Jimin walks up to May and wraps his yellow blanket over her.

"Jimin?". May looks up at him, stunned. "It calms me down when I'm upset, so it might help you". Jimin said. "Th-thank you". May sniffs. "Ca-can I have a group hug please?". May asks and the hybrids didn't even hesitate to hug her. "I love you all SOOO much". May said. "We know". Caesar said. "We love you too mama May". Taehyung said. "Don't make me cry again Tae". May said and they laughed.

"Ok, now go say goodbye to your friends, alright?". May said. "I'm not friends with any of those hybrids". Jin scoffs. "That's because they're scared of you". Caesar said. "Good". Jin smirks. "Permission to do one insane prank?". Taehyung asks. "Fine". May said. "Best mom ever!". Taehyung jumps, then bolts out the room. "Excuse me!?!". Jin yelled. "Tae! Wait!". Caesar ran after him. "Caesar! You forgot my shoe for his ass!". Jin chased after him.

Jimin shakes his head and follows after them. "Jimin, wait". May says and Jimin turns to her. "Yoongi wants to be a great guy for you so... Give him a chance, please?". May said. "I-I'll try". Jimin said and May grins. "Bye May, thanks for taking care of us". Jimin bows. "You're welcome cutie". May said. "Don't forget your blanket". May says. "That's yours".

"What?". May's eyes widened. "Jimin, this is your favorite thing in the world". May said. "And I gave it to one of my favorite people in the world". Jimin smiles. "I...". May starts tearing up again. "Damn your cuteness". May groans and Jimin giggles. "Goodbye, mama May". Jimin says.

"Goodbye Chim".

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