Part 84

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"Eomma! Eomma!". Jimin ran into the kitchen yelling and Jin looks at him. "The time has come". Jin, out of no where, slams a machete on the table. "Name and where did he go?". Jin asks. Jimin looks at the big knife, then at Jin. "Umm... I-I just wanted some help with a idea I had". Jimin says, wondering where the knife came from. "Ohhhh". Jin puts the machete away.

"Well damn Jimin, you have to be more specific next time". Jin rolled his eyes. "Al-all I did was call for you... Where did you get that? And where did you put it?". Jimin asked. "What is it my child?". Jin said. "I'm going to tell Yoongi that I like him". Jimin beamed. "About bloody time!". Jin cheers and ran over to Jimin. "What do you need help with? Do you need the house to yourself? Oh! Do you want me to lock them up?".

"Umm... Ca-can I finish talking Eomma?". Jimin said. "No". Jin said. "Eomma". Jimin pouted. "Fine, fine... What is it?". Jin says. "Well... I want to throw a little crush party for him but...". "Say no more". Jin claps his hands and Hoseok appeared out of nowhere. "I am Hosgenie, what is your wish master?". Hoseok asks. "Decorations, peace and quiet and cupcakes". Jin says. "As you wish bestie". Hoseok bows.

"Thanks main bitch". Jin said. "Of course!". Hoseok smiled and went into the living room. "EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT!". Hoseok screamed. Jin and Jimin heard running, loud cries and the door slam. Hoseok skips back into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face. "Peace and quiet is good to go!". Hoseok beams. Jimin looks Hoseok up and down and hid behind Jin.

"I'll go get the decorations, while you two make the cupcakes". Hoseok said. "Deal". Jin said. Hoseok winks at them and walks back out. "Th-that was scary". Jimin says, holding onto Jin's arm. "You good, now come on, we have to make cupcakes for your crush party... Crush party, that's cute as hell". Jin giggled and went to the fridge. Jimin watched Jin put stuff on the counter and shivered.

"I made a mistake".

My love for a human (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now